Source code for siriushla.widgets.timeplot

import numpy as _np
import time

from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, Signal, Slot, QTimer, Property
from qtpy.QtGui import QPalette
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QInputDialog, QLabel, QApplication, QAction

from pyqtgraph import ViewBox, mkBrush

from pydm import utilities
from pydm.widgets.timeplot import TimePlotCurveItem, PyDMTimePlot, \

from siriuspy.clientarch import ClientArchiver, Time

[docs] class SiriusTimePlotItem(TimePlotCurveItem): """Reimplement to do not receive inf values.""" def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): """Init and create parent attribute.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.parent = parent
[docs] def setBufferSize(self, value, initialize_buffer=False): """ Reimplement setBufferSize to fill buffer with points accumulated. """ if self._bufferSize == int(value): return self._bufferSize = max(int(value), 2) if initialize_buffer: self.initialize_buffer() else: old_data_buffer = _np.copy(self.data_buffer) self.points_accumulated = old_data_buffer.shape[1] self._min_y_value = min(old_data_buffer[1]) self._max_y_value = max(old_data_buffer[1]) self.data_buffer = _np.zeros( (2, self._bufferSize), order='f', dtype=float) for i in range(self.points_accumulated): self.data_buffer = _np.roll(self.data_buffer, -1) self.data_buffer[0, self._bufferSize-1] = old_data_buffer[0, i] self.data_buffer[1, self._bufferSize-1] = old_data_buffer[1, i]
[docs] @Slot(float) @Slot(int) def receiveNewValue(self, new_value): """ Rederive receiveNewValue to avoid infinit values. """ if not _np.isinf(new_value): super().receiveNewValue(new_value)
[docs] @Slot() def redrawCurve(self): """ Rederive redrawCurve to use data only refered to timespan. """ try: now = xmin = now - self.parent.timeSpan idcs = _np.where(self.data_buffer[0] >= xmin)[0] if idcs.size and idcs[0] != 0 and \ self.data_buffer[0, idcs[0]-1] != 0: idcs = _np.r_[idcs[0]-1, idcs] x = self.data_buffer[0, idcs].astype(_np.float_) y = self.data_buffer[1, idcs].astype(_np.float_) if not self._plot_by_timestamps: x -= now self.setData(y=y, x=x) except (ZeroDivisionError, OverflowError): # Solve an issue with pyqtgraph and initial downsampling pass
[docs] def initialize_buffer(self): """ Rederive initialize_buffer to avoid filling the entire buffer with plot-eligible data. """ self.points_accumulated = 0 # If you don't specify dtype=float, you don't have enough # resolution for the timestamp data. self.data_buffer = _np.zeros((2, self._bufferSize), order='f', dtype=float)
[docs] class SiriusTimePlot(PyDMTimePlot): """PyDMTimePlot with some extra features.""" bufferReset = Signal() timeSpanChanged = Signal() def __init__(self, *args, show_tooltip=False, **kws): super().__init__(*args, **kws) self._filled_with_arch_data = dict() self._show_tooltip = show_tooltip self.vb2 = ViewBox() self.plotItem.scene().addItem(self.vb2) self.vb2.setXLink(self.plotItem) self.plotItem.getAxis('right').linkToView(self.vb2) self._updateViews() self.plotItem.vb.sigResized.connect(self._updateViews) self.carch = None # show auto adjust button self.plotItem.showButtons() # use pan mouse mode (3-button) self.plotItem.getViewBox().setMouseMode(ViewBox.PanMode) # connect sigMouseMoved self.plotItem.scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(self._handle_mouse_moved) # add new actions to menu rst_act = QAction("Clear buffers") rst_act.triggered.connect(self._resetBuffers) tsp_act = QAction("Change time span") tsp_act.triggered.connect(self._changeTimeSpan) self.plotItem.scene().contextMenu.extend([rst_act, tsp_act]) @property def legend(self): """Legend object.""" return self._legend @Property(bool) def showToolTip(self): """ Whether to show or not tooltip with curve values. Returns ------- use : bool Tooltip enable status in use """ return self._show_tooltip @showToolTip.setter def showToolTip(self, new_show): """ Whether to show or not tooltip with curve values. Parameters ---------- new_show : bool The new tooltip enable status to use """ self._show_tooltip = new_show
[docs] def addCurve(self, plot_item, axis='left', curve_color=None): """Reimplement to use right axis.""" if curve_color is None: curve_color = utilities.colors.default_colors[ len(self._curves) % len(utilities.colors.default_colors)] plot_item.color_string = curve_color self._curves.append(plot_item) if axis == 'left': self.plotItem.addItem(plot_item) elif axis == 'right': if not self.plotItem.getAxis('right').isVisible(): self.plotItem.showAxis('right') self.vb2.addItem(plot_item) else: raise ValueError('Choose a valid axis!') # Connect channels for chan in plot_item.channels(): if chan: chan.connect()
[docs] def addYChannel( self, y_channel=None, name=None, color=None, lineStyle=None, lineWidth=None, symbol=None, symbolSize=None, axis='left'): """Reimplement to use SiriusTimePlotItem and right axis.""" plot_opts = dict() plot_opts['symbol'] = symbol if symbolSize is not None: plot_opts['symbolSize'] = symbolSize if lineStyle is not None: plot_opts['lineStyle'] = lineStyle if lineWidth is not None: plot_opts['lineWidth'] = lineWidth # Add curve new_curve = SiriusTimePlotItem( self, y_channel, plot_by_timestamps=self._plot_by_timestamps, name=name, color=color, **plot_opts) new_curve.setUpdatesAsynchronously(self.updatesAsynchronously) new_curve.setBufferSize(self._bufferSize, initialize_buffer=True) self.update_timer.timeout.connect(new_curve.asyncUpdate) self.addCurve(new_curve, axis, curve_color=color) new_curve.data_changed.connect(self.set_needs_redraw) self.redraw_timer.start() return new_curve
[docs] def updateXAxis(self, update_immediately=False): """Reimplement to show only existing range.""" if len(self._curves) == 0: return if self._plot_by_timestamps: if self._update_mode == PyDMTimePlot.SynchronousMode: maxrange = max([curve.max_x() for curve in self._curves]) else: maxrange = time.time() mini = for curve in self._curves: firstvalid = (curve.data_buffer[0] != 0).argmax() if curve.data_buffer[0, firstvalid] == 0: continue mini = min(mini, curve.data_buffer[0, firstvalid]) minrange = max(maxrange - self._time_span, mini) self.plotItem.setXRange( minrange, maxrange, padding=0.0, update=update_immediately) else: diff_time = self.starting_epoch_time - \ max([curve.max_x() for curve in self._curves]) if diff_time > DEFAULT_X_MIN: diff_time = DEFAULT_X_MIN self.getViewBox().setLimits(minXRange=diff_time)
def _updateViews(self): self.vb2.setGeometry(self.plotItem.vb.sceneBoundingRect()) self.vb2.linkedViewChanged(self.plotItem.vb, self.vb2.XAxis) def _get_value_from_arch( self, pvname, t_init, t_end, process_type, process_bin_intvl): """Get values from archiver.""" if self.carch is None: self.carch = ClientArchiver() self.carch.timeout = 120 data = self.carch.getData( pvname, t_init, t_end, process_type, process_bin_intvl) if not data: return return data['timestamp'], data['value']
[docs] def fill_curve_with_archdata( self, curve, pvname, t_init, t_end, factor=None, process_type='', process_bin_intvl=None): """Fill curve with archiver data.""" data = self._get_value_from_arch( pvname, t_init, t_end, process_type, process_bin_intvl) if not data: return datax, datay = data self.fill_curve_buffer(curve, datax, datay, factor) self._filled_with_arch_data[pvname] = dict( curve=curve, factor=factor, process_type=process_type, process_bin_intvl=process_bin_intvl)
[docs] def fill_curve_buffer(self, curve, datax, datay, factor=None): """Fill curve buffer.""" nrpts = len(datax) if not nrpts: return buff = _np.zeros((2, self.bufferSize), order='f', dtype=float) if nrpts > self.bufferSize: smpls2discard = nrpts - self.bufferSize datax = datax[smpls2discard:] datay = datay[smpls2discard:] nrpts = len(datax) firstsmpl2fill = self.bufferSize - nrpts buff[0, firstsmpl2fill:] = datax buff[1, firstsmpl2fill:] = datay if factor: buff[1, :] /= factor curve.data_buffer = buff curve.points_accumulated = nrpts curve._min_y_value = min(datay) curve._max_y_value = max(datay) curve.latest_value = datay[-1]
def _resetBuffers(self): for curve in self._curves: curve.initialize_buffer() self.bufferReset.emit() def _changeTimeSpan(self): new_time_span, ok = QInputDialog.getInt( self, 'Input', 'Set new time span value [s]: ') if not ok: return if new_time_span > self.timeSpan: t_end = t_init = t_end - new_time_span for pvname, info in self._filled_with_arch_data.items(): self.fill_curve_with_archdata( info['curve'], pvname, t_init.get_iso8601(), t_end.get_iso8601(), info['factor'], info['process_type'], info['process_bin_intvl']) self.timeSpan = new_time_span self.timeSpanChanged.emit() def _handle_mouse_moved(self, pos): """Show tooltip at mouse move.""" if not self._show_tooltip: return # create label tooltip, if needed if not hasattr(self, 'label_tooltip'): self.label_tooltip = QLabel(self, Qt.ToolTip) self.timer_tooltip = QTimer(self) self.timer_tooltip.timeout.connect(self.label_tooltip.hide) self.timer_tooltip.setInterval(1000) # find nearest curve point nearest = (self._curves[0], _np.inf, None, None) for idx, curve in enumerate(self._curves): if not curve.isVisible(): continue mappos = curve.mapFromScene(pos) posx, posy = mappos.x(), mappos.y() xData, yData = curve.curve.xData, curve.curve.yData if not xData.size: continue diffx = xData - posx idx = _np.argmin(_np.abs(diffx)) if diffx[idx] < 0.5: valx, valy = xData[idx], yData[idx] diffy = abs(valy - posy) if diffy < nearest[1]: nearest = (curve, diffy, valx, valy) # show tooltip curve, diffy, valx, valy = nearest ylimts = self.getViewBox().state['viewRange'][1] ydelta = ylimts[1] - ylimts[0] if diffy < 1e-2*ydelta: txt = Time(timestamp=valx).get_iso8601()+'\n' txt += f'{}: {valy:.3f}' font = QApplication.instance().font() font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() - 10) palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, curve.color) self.label_tooltip.setText(txt) self.label_tooltip.setFont(font) self.label_tooltip.setPalette(palette) self.label_tooltip.move(self.mapToGlobal(pos.toPoint())) self.timer_tooltip.start() curve.scatter.setData( pos=[(valx, valy), ], symbol='o', size=15, brush=mkBrush(curve.color))