

Code Documentation

siriushla.as_ap_sofb.main module

Main module of the Application Interface.

class siriushla.as_ap_sofb.main.MainWindow(parent=None, prefix='', acc='SI')[source]

Bases: _SiriusWindow

property acc
property acc_idx
property isring

siriushla.as_ap_sofb.orbit_register module

Creates the Contextes Menus for the Register.

class siriushla.as_ap_sofb.orbit_register.OrbitRegister(parent, device, orbits, idx, prefix='', acc='SI')[source]

Bases: QWidget

Create the Context Menu for the Registers.

DEFAULT_DIR = '/home/sirius/shared/screens-iocs'

Return the horizontal orbit.


Return the Vertical orbit.


int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.


pyqtSignal(*types, name


str = …, revision


int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.


pyqtSignal(*types, name


str = …, revision


int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.


pyqtSignal(*types, name


str = …, revision

property orbx

Return the horizontal orbit.

property orby

Return the Vertical orbit.


Set up Ui of Context Menu.

class siriushla.as_ap_sofb.orbit_register.OrbitRegisters(parent, device, prefix='', acc=None, nr_registers=9)[source]

Bases: QWidget








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