
Code Documentation

siriushla.li_va_control.chart module

CCG Chart Window

class siriushla.li_va_control.chart.ChartWindow(parent=None, prefix='')[source]

Bases: _SiriusWindow, BaseFunctionsInterface

Show the Chart Window.

addChannels(graph, id_num, color)[source]

Add one channel(curve) to the chart


Display the three charts with their channels


Create and configure Chart Widget

siriushla.li_va_control.details module

All the detail Chart Windows

class siriushla.li_va_control.details.DetailWindow(parent=None)[source]

Bases: QWidget, BaseFunctionsInterface

Display General Detail Window


Select which widget list to build


Open selected window with click

setupAllDevices(title, data, lay, pos)[source]

Display the VGC informations of one device


Display simple buttons for IPS Control


Display IPS Widget List with all IPS elements


Display VGC Widget List with all VGC elements


Build all lists

class siriushla.li_va_control.details.IpsDetailWindow(parent=None, prefix='', id_num='')[source]

Bases: _SiriusWindow, BaseFunctionsInterface

Display IPS Detail Window

buildGroup(info, title)[source]

Display one detail group


Display IPS measurement complete information

class siriushla.li_va_control.details.VgcDetailWindow(parent=None, prefix='', id_num='')[source]

Bases: _SiriusWindow, BaseFunctionsInterface

Display VGC Detail Window


Create the information columns

setupDevices(title, data, lay, col)[source]

Display the infomation of three devices of the same group

siriushla.li_va_control.functions module

Basic functions

class siriushla.li_va_control.functions.BaseFunctionsInterface[source]

Bases: object

Export basic functions to the Vacuum windows

SPRBWidget(title, control, readback, wid_type, kp_unit=False, precision=True, sec_wid='label')[source]

Build a setpoint and readback widget: title + setpoint + readback

buildAllLegends(listleg={'CCG': [{'color': <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, 'text': 'Ok'}, {'color': <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, 'text': 'Warning'}, {'color': <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, 'text': 'Alarm'}], 'Gauge Status': [{'color': <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, 'text': 'ON'}, {'color': <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, 'text': 'Inconsistent'}, {'color': <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, 'text': 'OFF'}], 'PRG': [{'color': <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, 'text': 'Ok'}, {'color': <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, 'text': 'Warning'}], 'Relay Status': [{'text': 'ENABLE: Depends on the pressure\n and the setpoint value'}, {'text': 'SET: Forces relay activation'}, {'text': 'CLEAR: Disable the relay'}], 'size': [8.5, 15]})[source]

Display all the legends

buildBasicGroup(cat, id_num, orient='V')[source]

Build anc configure group template

buildIPSInfo(pv_name, lay, orient)[source]

Display IPS measurement information

buildIdName(id_num, is_valve=False)[source]

Format number in the PV name


Get VGC group and individual identity and with VGC id

buildLed(pv_name, sufix_list, comp)[source]

Build and configure different types of Led


Generate VGC PV name with VGC id

getGroupTitle(cat, id_num)[source]

Get element simple name


Get Layout with correct orientation


Get Widget with a layout inside

getProgressBar(pv_name, limit, color=<PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>)[source]

Create and configure Progress Bar

getSPTable(num, gen, data, show_title=False, alternative=False)[source]

Build and configure VGC SP table

getSimplePvWidget(title, suf, num, gen)[source]

Get simple VGC widget


Format sufixes based on info type

getVacPosition(id_vgc, divide=True)[source]

Get VGC widget position on the VGC Lists

getVgcLed(name, gen, suf_list)[source]

Select led type based on VGC identity

getVgcSPRB(data, pv_list, num, gen, sec_wid='led')[source]

Use dict info to create a self.SPRBWidget

getWidget(name, wid_type='button', keep_unit=False, precision=True)[source]

Build and configure widgets used

setWindowBtn(cat, id_num)[source]

Create and configure button to open detail windows


Show one of the legends present in the LEGEND variable in util

setupUnitView(pv_name, color='#00000000', min_width=3)[source]

Create and format SiriusLabel


Get led shape number

siriushla.li_va_control.functions.headerWidget(title, alternative)[source]

Get SP Table Header Widget

siriushla.li_va_control.main module

Main window of the Vacuum Control.

class siriushla.li_va_control.main.VacuumMain(parent=None, prefix=siriuspy.envars.VACA_PREFIX)[source]

Bases: QWidget, BaseFunctionsInterface

Vaccum Control Main Window


Display Legend in a relative widget

buildVacInfo(config, id_num, lay)[source]

Display VGC basic information

eventFilter(obj, event)[source]

Signal the resize event to the relative Widgets

getGroupWidgets(config, item, cat, orient)[source]

Select and build group widget


Build the image

saveRelWid(widget, size, coord)[source]

Save relative widget to list

saveWidToList(widget, cat)[source]

Save widget to list


Open selected window with click


Display button menu


Display IPS Widget List with all IPS elements


Select which widget list to build


Display relative widgets and save list items


Display VGC Widget List with all VGC elements

siriushla.li_va_control.util module

Static information about the PVs and colors

siriushla.li_va_control.widgets module

Contains the special widgets used in the windows

class siriushla.li_va_control.widgets.LedLegend(parent=None, shape=1, color='#FFFFFF')[source]

Bases: QWidget

Drawing of a Led for the Legend

drawSingleLed(painter, color, pos_x, width)[source]

Draw a single Led

getShape(painter, pos, size)[source]

Draw different shapes of led


Called to paint led on the window

class siriushla.li_va_control.widgets.PyDMLedMultiIncosistencyDetector(parent=None, channels2values={}, color_list=[<PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>])[source]

Bases: PyDMLedMultiChannel

Drawing of a Led for the Legend

LightGreen = <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>
Red = <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>
Yellow = <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>
class siriushla.li_va_control.widgets.QGroupBoxButton(parent=None, title='')[source]

Bases: QGroupBox

A clickable GroupBox


Emit a clicked function in the GroupBox

Module contents