Source code for siriushla.widgets.string_combo_box

"""Sirius String ComboBox."""

import logging
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QComboBox
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt
from pydm.widgets.base import PyDMWritableWidget

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SiriusStringComboBox(QComboBox, PyDMWritableWidget): """A ComboBox with a channel to handle PVs of string type.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, init_channel=None, items=None): """Init.""" QComboBox.__init__(self, parent) PyDMWritableWidget.__init__(self, init_channel=init_channel) self._has_items = False self.set_items(items) self.activated.connect(self._send_value) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.contextMenuEvent = self.open_context_menu
[docs] def value_changed(self, new_val): """Handle PV value changed in widget.""" if new_val is not None: if isinstance(self._items, dict): new_val = self._values2items.get(new_val, 'UNDEF') idx = self.findText(new_val) if idx == -1: logger.error("Can not change value to %r. " "Not an option in SiriusStringComboBox", new_val) return self.setCurrentIndex(idx)
[docs] def set_items(self, items): """Add comboBox items.""" if items is None: return elif isinstance(items, list): items.append('UNDEF') for item in items: try: self.addItem(item) except TypeError as error: logger.error( "Invalid type '{0}'. The expected type is 'string'. " "Exception: {1}".format(type(item), error)) elif isinstance(items, dict): items['UNDEF'] = -1 for item_text, data in items.items(): try: self.addItem(item_text, data) except TypeError as error: logger.error( "Invalid type '{0}'. The expected type is 'string'. " "Exception: {1}".format(type(item), error)) self._values2items = {v: t for t, v in items.items()} self._items = items self._has_items = True self.check_enable_state()
[docs] def check_enable_state(self): """Checks whether or not the widget should be disable.""" status = self._write_access and self._connected and self._has_items tooltip = "" if not self._connected: tooltip += "PV is disconnected." elif not self._write_access: tooltip += "Access denied by Channel Access Security." elif not self._has_items: tooltip += "Items not available." self.setToolTip(tooltip) self.setEnabled(status)
def _send_value(self, index): text = self.itemText(index) if text == 'UNDEF': return if isinstance(self._items, list): self.send_value_signal[str].emit(text) elif isinstance(self._items, dict): value = self._items[text] self.send_value_signal[type(value)].emit(value)