Source code for siriushla.widgets.spinbox

"""Sirius Spinbox."""

from qtpy.QtCore import Property, Qt, QRegExp
from qtpy.QtGui import QRegExpValidator
from pydm.widgets import PyDMSpinbox
from pydm.widgets.base import PyDMWritableWidget, TextFormatter

[docs] class SiriusSpinbox(PyDMSpinbox): """ A QDoubleSpinBox with support for Channels and more from PyDM. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget The parent widget for the Label init_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, init_channel=None): super(SiriusSpinbox, self).__init__(parent, init_channel) self._limits_from_channel = True self._user_lower_limit = self.minimum() self._user_upper_limit = self.maximum() self.showStepExponent = False self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus)
[docs] def ctrl_limit_changed(self, which, new_limit): """ Callback invoked when the Channel receives new control limit values. Parameters ---------- which : str Which control limit was changed. "UPPER" or "LOWER" new_limit : float New value for the control limit """ PyDMWritableWidget.ctrl_limit_changed(self, which, new_limit) self.update_limits()
[docs] def update_limits(self): """ Callback invoked to update the control limits of the spinbox. Parameters ---------- which : str Which control limit was changed. "UPPER" or "LOWER" new_limit : float New value for the control limit """ if self._limits_from_channel: if self._lower_ctrl_limit is not None: super(SiriusSpinbox, self).setMinimum(self._lower_ctrl_limit) if self._upper_ctrl_limit is not None: super(SiriusSpinbox, self).setMaximum(self._upper_ctrl_limit) else: super(SiriusSpinbox, self).setMinimum(self._user_lower_limit) super(SiriusSpinbox, self).setMaximum(self._user_upper_limit)
[docs] def precision_changed(self, new_precision): """ Callback invoked when the Channel has new precision value. This callback also triggers an update_format_string call so the new precision value is considered. Parameters ---------- new_precison : int or float The new precision value """ TextFormatter.precision_changed(self, new_precision) self.setDecimals(self.precision) self.update_limits()
@Property(bool) def limitsFromChannel(self): """ A choice whether or not to use the limits given by channel. Returns ------- limits_from_channel : bool True means that the widget will use the limits information from the Channel if available. """ return self._limits_from_channel @limitsFromChannel.setter def limitsFromChannel(self, value): """ A choice whether or not to use the limits given by channel. Parameters ---------- value : bool True means that the widget will use the limits information from the PV if available. """ if self._limits_from_channel != bool(value): self._limits_from_channel = bool(value) self.update_limits()
[docs] def setMinimum(self, value): """ Set the user defined lower limit for the spinbox. Parameters ---------- value : float The new lower limit value. """ self._user_lower_limit = float(value) self._user_upper_limit = max( self._user_upper_limit, self._user_lower_limit) self.update_limits()
[docs] def setMaximum(self, value): """ Set the user defined upper limit for the spinbox. Parameters ---------- value : float The new upper limit value. """ self._user_upper_limit = float(value) self._user_lower_limit = min( self._user_lower_limit, self._user_upper_limit) self.update_limits()
[docs] def setRange(self, mini, maxi): """ Set the user defined limits for the spinbox. Parameters ---------- mini : float The new lower limit value. maxi: float The new upper limit value. """ self.setMinimum(mini) self.setMaximum(maxi)
[docs] def get_user_limits(self): """ Get the user defined limits for the spinbox. Returns ---------- limits: tuple 2-tuple with the user defined minimum and maximum. """ return (self._user_lower_limit, self._user_upper_limit)
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, event): """Reimplement wheel event to ignore event when out of focus.""" if not self.hasFocus(): event.ignore() else: super().wheelEvent(event)
[docs] def focusOutEvent(self, event): """ Overwrites the function called when a user leaves the widget without pressing return. Resets the value of the text field to the current channel value. """ self.value_changed(self.value) super().focusOutEvent(event)
[docs] class SiriusHexaSpinbox(SiriusSpinbox): """Custom Hexa Spinbox."""
[docs] def valueFromText(self, text): """Convert value from text in hexa base.""" return int(str(text), 16)
[docs] def textFromValue(self, value): """Convert text from value in hexa base.""" return hex(int(value))
[docs] def validate(self, text, pos): """Validate input in hexa base.""" regex = QRegExp("0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,8}") regex.setCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) return QRegExpValidator(regex, self).validate(text, pos)
[docs] def update_step_size(self): """Reimplement to use hexa base.""" self.setSingleStep(16 ** self.step_exponent) self.update_format_string()
[docs] def update_format_string(self): """Reimplement to use hexa base.""" if self._show_units: units = " {}".format(self._unit) else: units = "" if self._show_step_exponent: self.setSuffix( '{0} Step: 16**{1}'.format(units, self.step_exponent)) self.lineEdit().setToolTip("") else: self.setSuffix(units) self.lineEdit().setToolTip( 'Step: 16**{0:+d}'.format(self.step_exponent))