Source code for siriushla.widgets.spectrogram_view

"""SiriusSpectrogramView widget.

Based on ImageView from pydm and GradientLegend from pyqtgraph.

import numpy as np
import logging
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QActionGroup, QToolTip, QMenu
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QLinearGradient, QBrush, QPen
from qtpy.QtCore import Signal, Slot, Property, QTimer, Q_ENUMS, \
    QThread, Qt, QRectF, QPointF
from pyqtgraph import ViewBox, ImageItem, AxisItem, GraphicsLayoutWidget, \
    ColorMap, GraphicsWidget, LabelItem, PlotCurveItem, mkPen
from import PyDMChannel
from pydm.widgets.colormaps import cmaps, cmap_names, PyDMColorMap
from pydm.widgets.base import PyDMWidget
from pydm.widgets.image import ReadingOrder

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _GradientLegend(GraphicsWidget):
    """Class to make GradientLegend a GraphicsWidget.

    Draws a color gradient rectangle along with text labels denoting the value
    at specific points along the gradient.

    size : list of int, optional
        Size of the widget within the GraphicsWidget rectangle.
    colors : a list of RGB codes, optional
        The lookup table to be used to design the gradient.
    labels : dict of keys = strings and values = int
        The labels that will appear along the colorbar.
        The values determine the sequence of labels in descending order.
    minVal : int, optional
        If labels is None, so only minVal and maxVal are displayed in the
        beggining and in the end of the colorbar.
    maxVal : int, optional
        If labels is None, so only minVal and maxVal are displayed in the
        beggining and in the end of the colorbar.

    def __init__(self, size=None, colors=None,
                 labels=None, minVal=None, maxVal=None):
        self.size = size

        # if min and max values are None, assume normalized data
        self.minVal = 0 if minVal is None else minVal
        self.maxVal = 1 if maxVal is None else maxVal
        self.labels = {1: 'min', 0: 'max'} if labels is None else labels
        self.label_format = '{: .3f}'
        self.gradient = QLinearGradient()
        if colors is None:
            self.colors = [[0, 0, 0], [255, 0, 0]]
            self.colors = colors
                              minVal=self.minVal, maxVal=self.maxVal,

    def setIntColorScale(self, colors, minVal=None, maxVal=None, labels=None):
        # generate color gradient
        g = QLinearGradient()
        for i in range(len(colors)):
            x = float(i)/len(colors)
            g.setColorAt(x, QColor(colors[i][0], colors[i][1], colors[i][2]))

        # add labels
        if labels is None and (minVal is None or maxVal is None):
        elif labels is None:
            self.setLabels({1: str(minVal), 0: str(maxVal)})

    def _setGradient(self, g):
        self.gradient = g

    def setLimits(self, data):
        minVal = data[0]
        maxVal = data[1]
        if minVal == self.minVal and maxVal == self.maxVal:
        self.minVal = minVal
        self.maxVal = maxVal
        for k in self.labels.keys():
            newv = minVal + (1-k)*(maxVal - minVal)
            newv = self.label_format.format(newv)
            self.labels[k] = newv

    def setLabels(self, l):
        Define labels to appear next to the color scale.

        Accepts a dict of {text: value} pairs.
        self.labels = l

    def paint(self, p, opt, widget):
        GraphicsWidget.paint(self, p, opt, widget)
        rect = self.boundingRect()  # Boundaries of visible area in scene coord
        size = self.size if self.size is not None \
            else [rect.right()-rect.left(), rect.bottom() -]

        # determine max width of all labels
        textPadding = 2  # in px
        labelWidth = 0
        labelHeight = 0
        for val in self.labels.values():
            b = p.boundingRect(QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0),
                               Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter, str(val))
            labelWidth = max(labelWidth, b.width())
            labelHeight = max(labelHeight, b.height())

        x1_back = (rect.right() - rect.left() - size[0])/2
        x2_back = (rect.right() - rect.left() + size[0])/2
        y1_back = (rect.bottom() - - size[1])/2
        y2_back = (rect.bottom() - + size[1])/2

        x1_grad = x1_back + textPadding*2
        x2_grad = x2_back - (labelWidth + textPadding*2)
        y1_grad = y1_back + (labelHeight/2 + textPadding)
        y2_grad = y2_back - (labelHeight/2 + textPadding)

        # Draw background
        p.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)))
        p.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255, 0)))
        rect = QRectF(QPointF(x1_back, y1_back),
                      QPointF(x2_back, y2_back))

        # Draw color bar
        self.gradient.setStart(0, y2_grad)
        self.gradient.setFinalStop(0, y1_grad)
        p.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0)))
        rect = QRectF(QPointF(x1_grad, y1_grad),
                      QPointF(x2_grad, y2_grad))

        # draw labels
        tx = x2_grad + textPadding*2
        lw = labelWidth
        lh = labelHeight
        for key, val in self.labels.items():
            y = y1_grad + key * (y2_grad-y1_grad)
            p.drawText(QRectF(tx, y - lh/2.0, lw, lh),
                       Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter, str(val))

        self.setMinimumWidth(labelWidth + 2*textPadding + 20)

[docs] class SpectrogramUpdateThread(QThread): """Thread to update image.""" updateSignal = Signal(list) def __init__(self, spectrogram_view): """Initialize Thread.""" QThread.__init__(self) self.spectrogram_view = spectrogram_view
[docs] def run(self): """Thread main.""" img = self.spectrogram_view.image_waveform needs_redraw = self.spectrogram_view.needs_redraw image_dimensions = len(img.shape) width = self.spectrogram_view.imageWidth reading_order = self.spectrogram_view.readingOrder normalize_data = self.spectrogram_view._normalize_data cm_min = self.spectrogram_view.cm_min cm_max = self.spectrogram_view.cm_max if not needs_redraw: logging.debug( "ImageUpdateThread - needs redraw is False. Aborting.") return if image_dimensions == 1: if width < 1: # We don't have a width for this image yet, so we can't draw it logging.debug( "ImageUpdateThread - no width available. Aborting.") return try: if reading_order == ReadingOrder.Clike: img = img.reshape((-1, width), order='C') else: img = img.reshape((width, -1), order='F') except ValueError: logger.error("Invalid width for image during reshape: %d", width) if len(img) <= 0: return logging.debug("ImageUpdateThread - Will Process Image") img = self.spectrogram_view.process_image(img) if normalize_data: mini = img.min() maxi = img.max() else: mini = cm_min maxi = cm_max logging.debug("ImageUpdateThread - Emit Update Signal") self.updateSignal.emit([mini, maxi, img]) logging.debug("ImageUpdateThread - Set Needs Redraw -> False") self.spectrogram_view.needs_redraw = False
[docs] class SiriusSpectrogramView( GraphicsLayoutWidget, PyDMWidget, PyDMColorMap, ReadingOrder): """ A SpectrogramView with support for Channels and more from PyDM. If there is no :attr:`channelWidth` it is possible to define the width of the image with the :attr:`width` property. The :attr:`normalizeData` property defines if the colors of the images are relative to the :attr:`colorMapMin` and :attr:`colorMapMax` property or to the minimum and maximum values of the image. Use the :attr:`newImageSignal` to hook up to a signal that is emitted when a new image is rendered in the widget. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget The parent widget for the Label image_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget for the image data. xaxis_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget to receive the image width (if ReadingOrder == Clike), and to set the xaxis values yaxis_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget to receive the image width (if ReadingOrder == Fortranlike), and to set the yaxis values background : QColor, optional QColor to set the background color of the GraphicsView """ Q_ENUMS(PyDMColorMap) Q_ENUMS(ReadingOrder) color_maps = cmaps def __init__(self, parent=None, image_channel=None, xaxis_channel=None, yaxis_channel=None, roioffsetx_channel=None, roioffsety_channel=None, roiwidth_channel=None, roiheight_channel=None, title='', background='w', image_width=0, image_height=0): """Initialize widget.""" GraphicsLayoutWidget.__init__(self, parent) PyDMWidget.__init__(self) self.thread = None self._imagechannel = None self._xaxischannel = None self._yaxischannel = None self._roioffsetxchannel = None self._roioffsetychannel = None self._roiwidthchannel = None self._roiheightchannel = None self._channels = 7*[None, ] self.image_waveform = np.zeros(0) self._image_width = image_width if not xaxis_channel else 0 self._image_height = image_height if not yaxis_channel else 0 self._roi_offsetx = 0 self._roi_offsety = 0 self._roi_width = 0 self._roi_height = 0 self._normalize_data = False self._auto_downsample = True self._last_yaxis_data = None self._last_xaxis_data = None self._auto_colorbar_lims = True self.format_tooltip = '{0:.4g}, {1:.4g}' # ViewBox and imageItem. self._view = ViewBox() self._image_item = ImageItem() self._view.addItem(self._image_item) # ROI self.ROICurve = PlotCurveItem([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) self.ROIColor = QColor('red') pen = mkPen() pen.setColor(QColor('transparent')) pen.setWidth(1) self.ROICurve.setPen(pen) self._view.addItem(self.ROICurve) # Axis. self.xaxis = AxisItem('bottom') self.xaxis.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0)) if not xaxis_channel: self.xaxis.setVisible(False) self.yaxis = AxisItem('left') self.yaxis.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0)) if not yaxis_channel: self.yaxis.setVisible(False) # Colorbar legend. self.colorbar = _GradientLegend() # Title. start_row = 0 if title: self.title = LabelItem(text=title, color='#000000') self.addItem(self.title, 0, 0, 1, 3) start_row = 1 # Set layout. self.addItem(self._view, start_row, 1) self.addItem(self.yaxis, start_row, 0) self.addItem(self.colorbar, start_row, 2) self.addItem(self.xaxis, start_row+1, 1) self.setBackground(background), 0), 0) # Set color map limits. self.cm_min = 0.0 self.cm_max = 255.0 # Set default reading order of numpy array data to Clike. self._reading_order = ReadingOrder.Clike # Make a right-click menu for changing the color map. self.cm_group = QActionGroup(self) self.cmap_for_action = {} for cm in self.color_maps: action = self.cm_group.addAction(cmap_names[cm]) action.setCheckable(True) self.cmap_for_action[action] = cm # Set the default colormap. self._cm_colors = None self.colorMap = PyDMColorMap.Inferno # Setup the redraw timer. self.needs_redraw = False self.redraw_timer = QTimer(self) self.redraw_timer.timeout.connect(self.redrawImage) self._redraw_rate = 30 self.maxRedrawRate = self._redraw_rate self.newImageSignal = self._image_item.sigImageChanged # Set Channels. self.imageChannel = image_channel self.xAxisChannel = xaxis_channel self.yAxisChannel = yaxis_channel self.ROIOffsetXChannel = roioffsetx_channel self.ROIOffsetYChannel = roioffsety_channel self.ROIWidthChannel = roiwidth_channel self.ROIHeightChannel = roiheight_channel # Handle view range changed self._view.sigRangeChanged.connect(self._update_axis_range) self._view.suggestPadding = lambda x: 0.0 # Context menu self.contextMenuEvent = None cm_menu = QMenu("Color Map") for act in self.cmap_for_action.keys(): cm_menu.addAction(act) cm_menu.triggered.connect(self._changeColorMap) self._view.scene().contextMenu.append(cm_menu) # --- Colormap methods --- def _changeColorMap(self, action): """ Method invoked by the colormap Action Menu. Changes the current colormap used to render the image. Parameters ---------- action : QAction """ self.colorMap = self.cmap_for_action[action] @Property(float) def colorMapMin(self): """ Minimum value for the colormap. Returns ------- float """ return self.cm_min @colorMapMin.setter @Slot(float) def colorMapMin(self, new_min): """ Set the minimum value for the colormap. Parameters ---------- new_min : float """ if self.cm_min != new_min: self.cm_min = new_min if self.cm_min > self.cm_max: self.cm_max = self.cm_min @Property(float) def colorMapMax(self): """ Maximum value for the colormap. Returns ------- float """ return self.cm_max @colorMapMax.setter @Slot(float) def colorMapMax(self, new_max): """ Set the maximum value for the colormap. Parameters ---------- new_max : float """ if self.cm_max != new_max: self.cm_max = new_max if self.cm_max < self.cm_min: self.cm_min = self.cm_max
[docs] def setColorMapLimits(self, mn, mx): """ Set the limit values for the colormap. Parameters ---------- mn : int The lower limit mx : int The upper limit """ if mn >= mx: return self.cm_max = mx self.cm_min = mn
@Property(PyDMColorMap) def colorMap(self): """ Return the color map used by the SpectrogramView. Returns ------- PyDMColorMap """ return self._colormap @colorMap.setter def colorMap(self, new_cmap): """ Set the color map used by the SpectrogramView. Parameters ------- new_cmap : PyDMColorMap """ self._colormap = new_cmap self._cm_colors = self.color_maps[new_cmap] self.setColorMap() for action in self.cm_group.actions(): if self.cmap_for_action[action] == self._colormap: action.setChecked(True) else: action.setChecked(False)
[docs] def setColorMap(self, cmap=None): """ Update the image colormap. Parameters ---------- cmap : ColorMap """ if not cmap: if not self._cm_colors.any(): return # Take default values pos = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=len(self._cm_colors)) cmap = ColorMap(pos, self._cm_colors) self._view.setBackgroundColor( lut = cmap.getLookupTable(0.0, 1.0, alpha=False) self.colorbar.setIntColorScale(colors=lut) self._image_item.setLookupTable(lut)
# --- Connection Slots ---
[docs] @Slot(bool) def image_connection_state_changed(self, conn): """ Callback invoked when the Image Channel connection state is changed. Parameters ---------- conn : bool The new connection state. """ if conn: self.redraw_timer.start() else: self.redraw_timer.stop()
[docs] @Slot(bool) def yaxis_connection_state_changed(self, connected): """ Callback invoked when the TimeAxis Channel connection state is changed. Parameters ---------- conn : bool The new connection state. """ self._timeaxis_connected = connected
[docs] @Slot(bool) def roioffsetx_connection_state_changed(self, conn): """ Run when the ROIOffsetX Channel connection state changes. Parameters ---------- conn : bool The new connection state. """ if not conn: self._roi_offsetx = 0
[docs] @Slot(bool) def roioffsety_connection_state_changed(self, conn): """ Run when the ROIOffsetY Channel connection state changes. Parameters ---------- conn : bool The new connection state. """ if not conn: self._roi_offsety = 0
[docs] @Slot(bool) def roiwidth_connection_state_changed(self, conn): """ Run when the ROIWidth Channel connection state changes. Parameters ---------- conn : bool The new connection state. """ if not conn: self._roi_width = 0
[docs] @Slot(bool) def roiheight_connection_state_changed(self, conn): """ Run when the ROIHeight Channel connection state changes. Parameters ---------- conn : bool The new connection state. """ if not conn: self._roi_height = 0
# --- Value Slots ---
[docs] @Slot(np.ndarray) def image_value_changed(self, new_image): """ Callback invoked when the Image Channel value is changed. We try to do as little as possible in this method, because it gets called every time the image channel updates, which might be extremely often. Basically just store the data, and set a flag requesting that the image be redrawn. Parameters ---------- new_image : np.ndarray The new image data. This can be a flat 1D array, or a 2D array. """ if new_image is None or new_image.size == 0: return logging.debug("SpectrogramView Received New Image: Needs Redraw->True") self.image_waveform = new_image self.needs_redraw = True if not self._image_height and self._image_width: self._image_height = new_image.size/self._image_width elif not self._image_width and self._image_height: self._image_width = new_image.size/self._image_height
[docs] @Slot(np.ndarray) @Slot(float) def xaxis_value_changed(self, new_array): """ Callback invoked when the Image Width Channel value is changed. Parameters ---------- new_array : np.ndarray The new x axis array """ if new_array is None: return if isinstance(new_array, float): new_array = np.array([new_array, ]) self._last_xaxis_data = new_array if self._reading_order == self.Clike: self._image_width = new_array.size else: self._image_height = new_array.size self.needs_redraw = True
[docs] @Slot(np.ndarray) @Slot(float) def yaxis_value_changed(self, new_array): """ Callback invoked when the TimeAxis Channel value is changed. Parameters ---------- new_array : np.array The new y axis array """ if new_array is None: return if isinstance(new_array, float): new_array = np.array([new_array, ]) self._last_yaxis_data = new_array if self._reading_order == self.Fortranlike: self._image_width = new_array.size else: self._image_height = new_array.size self.needs_redraw = True
[docs] @Slot(int) def roioffsetx_value_changed(self, new_offset): """ Run when the ROIOffsetX Channel value changes. Parameters ---------- new_offsetx : int The new image ROI horizontal offset """ if new_offset is None: return self._roi_offsetx = new_offset self.redrawROI()
[docs] @Slot(int) def roioffsety_value_changed(self, new_offset): """ Run when the ROIOffsetY Channel value changes. Parameters ---------- new_offsety : int The new image ROI vertical offset """ if new_offset is None: return self._roi_offsety = new_offset self.redrawROI()
[docs] @Slot(int) def roiwidth_value_changed(self, new_width): """ Run when the ROIWidth Channel value changes. Parameters ---------- new_width : int The new image ROI width """ if new_width is None: return self._roi_width = int(new_width) self.redrawROI()
[docs] @Slot(int) def roiheight_value_changed(self, new_height): """ Run when the ROIHeight Channel value changes. Parameters ---------- new_height : int The new image ROI height """ if new_height is None: return self._roi_height = int(new_height) self.redrawROI()
# --- Image update methods ---
[docs] def process_image(self, image): """ Boilerplate method. To be used by applications in order to add calculations and also modify the image before it is displayed at the widget. .. warning:: This code runs in a separated QThread so it **MUST** not try to write to QWidgets. Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray The Image Data as a 2D numpy array Returns ------- np.ndarray The Image Data as a 2D numpy array after processing. """ return image
[docs] def redrawImage(self): """ Set the image data into the ImageItem, if needed. If necessary, reshape the image to 2D first. """ if self.thread is not None and not self.thread.isFinished(): logger.warning( "Image processing has taken longer than the refresh rate.") return self.thread = SpectrogramUpdateThread(self) self.thread.updateSignal.connect(self._updateDisplay) logging.debug("SpectrogramView RedrawImage Thread Launched") self.thread.start()
def _update_axis_range(self, *_): if self._last_xaxis_data is not None: iszx = self._last_xaxis_data.size ixMin = self._last_xaxis_data.min() ixMax = self._last_xaxis_data.max() else: iszx = self.imageWidth if self.readingOrder == self.Clike \ else self.imageHeight ixMin = 0 ixMax = iszx if self._last_yaxis_data is not None: iszy = self._last_yaxis_data.size iyMin = self._last_yaxis_data.min() iyMax = self._last_yaxis_data.max() else: iszy = self.imageHeight if self.readingOrder == self.Clike \ else self.imageWidth iyMin = 0 iyMax = iszy [_vx, _vy] = self._view.viewRange() limsx = np.array(_vx) / iszx * (ixMax-ixMin) + ixMin limsy = np.array(_vy) / iszy * (iyMax-iyMin) + iyMin if not np.any(np.isnan(limsx)): self.xaxis.setRange(limsx[0], limsx[1]) if not np.any(np.isnan(limsy)): self.yaxis.setRange(limsy[0], limsy[1]) @Slot(list) def _updateDisplay(self, data): logging.debug("SpectrogramView Update Display with new image") if self.autoSetColorbarLims: self.colorbar.setLimits(data) mini, maxi = data[0], data[1] img = data[2] self._image_item.setLevels([mini, maxi]) self._image_item.setImage( img, autoLevels=False, autoDownsample=self.autoDownsample) # ROI update methods
[docs] def redrawROI(self): startx = self._roi_offsetx endx = self._roi_offsetx + self._roi_width starty = self._roi_offsety endy = self._roi_offsety + self._roi_height self.ROICurve.setData( [startx, startx, endx, endx, startx], [starty, endy, endy, starty, starty])
[docs] def showROI(self, show): """Set ROI visibility.""" pen = mkPen() if show: pen.setColor(self.ROIColor) else: pen.setColor(QColor('transparent')) self.ROICurve.setPen(pen)
# --- Properties --- @Property(bool) def autoDownsample(self): """ Return if we should or not apply the autoDownsample option. Return ------ bool """ return self._auto_downsample @autoDownsample.setter def autoDownsample(self, new_value): """ Whether we should or not apply the autoDownsample option. Parameters ---------- new_value: bool """ if new_value != self._auto_downsample: self._auto_downsample = new_value @Property(bool) def autoSetColorbarLims(self): """ Return if we should or not auto set colorbar limits. Return ------ bool """ return self._auto_colorbar_lims @autoSetColorbarLims.setter def autoSetColorbarLims(self, new_value): """ Whether we should or not auto set colorbar limits. Parameters ---------- new_value: bool """ if new_value != self._auto_colorbar_lims: self._auto_colorbar_lims = new_value @Property(int) def imageWidth(self): """ Return the width of the image. Return ------ int """ return self._image_width @imageWidth.setter def imageWidth(self, new_width): """ Set the width of the image. Can be overridden by :attr:`xAxisChannel` and :attr:`yAxisChannel`. Parameters ---------- new_width: int """ boo = self._image_width != int(new_width) boo &= not self._xaxischannel boo &= not self._yaxischannel if boo: self._image_width = int(new_width) @Property(int) def imageHeight(self): """ Return the height of the image. Return ------ int """ return self._image_height @Property(int) def ROIOffsetX(self): """ Return the ROI offset in X axis in pixels. Return ------ int """ return self._roi_offsetx @ROIOffsetX.setter def ROIOffsetX(self, new_offset): """ Set the ROI offset in X axis in pixels. Can be overridden by :attr:`ROIOffsetXChannel`. Parameters ---------- new_offset: int """ if new_offset is None: return boo = self._roi_offsetx != int(new_offset) boo &= not self._roioffsetxchannel if boo: self._roi_offsetx = int(new_offset) self.redrawROI() @Property(int) def ROIOffsetY(self): """ Return the ROI offset in Y axis in pixels. Return ------ int """ return self._roi_offsety @ROIOffsetY.setter def ROIOffsetY(self, new_offset): """ Set the ROI offset in Y axis in pixels. Can be overridden by :attr:`ROIOffsetYChannel`. Parameters ---------- new_offset: int """ if new_offset is None: return boo = self._roi_offsety != int(new_offset) boo &= not self._roioffsetychannel if boo: self._roi_offsety = int(new_offset) self.redrawROI() @Property(int) def ROIWidth(self): """ Return the ROI width in pixels. Return ------ int """ return self._roi_width @ROIWidth.setter def ROIWidth(self, new_width): """ Set the ROI width in pixels. Can be overridden by :attr:`ROIWidthChannel`. Parameters ---------- new_width: int """ if new_width is None: return boo = self._roi_width != int(new_width) boo &= not self._roiwidthchannel if boo: self._roi_width = int(new_width) self.redrawROI() @Property(int) def ROIHeight(self): """ Return the ROI height in pixels. Return ------ int """ return self._roi_height @ROIHeight.setter def ROIHeight(self, new_height): """ Set the ROI height in pixels. Can be overridden by :attr:`ROIHeightChannel`. Parameters ---------- new_height: int """ if new_height is None: return boo = self._roi_height != int(new_height) boo &= not self._roiheightchannel if boo: self._roi_height = int(new_height) self.redrawROI() @Property(bool) def normalizeData(self): """ Return True if the colors are relative to data maximum and minimum. Returns ------- bool """ return self._normalize_data @normalizeData.setter @Slot(bool) def normalizeData(self, new_norm): """ Define if the colors are relative to minimum and maximum of the data. Parameters ---------- new_norm: bool """ if self._normalize_data != new_norm: self._normalize_data = new_norm @Property(ReadingOrder) def readingOrder(self): """ Return the reading order of the :attr:`imageChannel` array. Returns ------- ReadingOrder """ return self._reading_order @readingOrder.setter def readingOrder(self, order): """ Set reading order of the :attr:`imageChannel` array. Parameters ---------- order: ReadingOrder """ if self._reading_order != order: self._reading_order = order if order == self.Clike: if self._last_xaxis_data is not None: self._image_width = self._last_xaxis_data.size if self._last_yaxis_data is not None: self._image_height = self._last_yaxis_data.size elif order == self.Fortranlike: if self._last_yaxis_data is not None: self._image_width = self._last_yaxis_data.size if self._last_xaxis_data is not None: self._image_height = self._last_xaxis_data.size @Property(int) def maxRedrawRate(self): """ The maximum rate (in Hz) at which the plot will be redrawn. The plot will not be redrawn if there is not new data to draw. Returns ------- int """ return self._redraw_rate @maxRedrawRate.setter def maxRedrawRate(self, redraw_rate): """ The maximum rate (in Hz) at which the plot will be redrawn. The plot will not be redrawn if there is not new data to draw. Parameters ------- redraw_rate : int """ self._redraw_rate = redraw_rate self.redraw_timer.setInterval(int((1.0 / self._redraw_rate) * 1000)) # --- Events rederivations ---
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, ev): """Handle keypress events.""" return
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev): if not self._image_item.width() or not self._image_item.height(): super().mouseMoveEvent(ev) return pos = ev.pos() posaux = self._image_item.mapFromDevice(ev.pos()) if not posaux: return if posaux.x() < 0 or posaux.x() >= self._image_item.width() or \ posaux.y() < 0 or posaux.y() >= self._image_item.height(): super().mouseMoveEvent(ev) return pos_scene = self._view.mapSceneToView(pos) x = round(pos_scene.x()) y = round(pos_scene.y()) if self.xAxisChannel and self._last_xaxis_data is not None: maxx = len(self._last_xaxis_data)-1 x = x if x < maxx else maxx valx = self._last_xaxis_data[x] else: valx = x if self.yAxisChannel and self._last_yaxis_data is not None: maxy = len(self._last_yaxis_data)-1 y = y if y < maxy else maxy valy = self._last_yaxis_data[y] else: valy = y txt = self.format_tooltip.format(valx, valy) QToolTip.showText( self.mapToGlobal(pos), txt, self, self.geometry(), 5000) super().mouseMoveEvent(ev)
# --- Channels --- @Property(str) def imageChannel(self): """ The channel address in use for the image data . Returns ------- str Channel address """ if self._imagechannel: return str(self._imagechannel.address) else: return '' @imageChannel.setter def imageChannel(self, value): """ The channel address in use for the image data . Parameters ---------- value : str Channel address """ if self._imagechannel != value: # Disconnect old channel if self._imagechannel: self._imagechannel.disconnect() # Create and connect new channel self._imagechannel = PyDMChannel( address=value, connection_slot=self.image_connection_state_changed, value_slot=self.image_value_changed, severity_slot=self.alarmSeverityChanged) self._channels[0] = self._imagechannel self._imagechannel.connect() @Property(str) def xAxisChannel(self): """ The channel address in use for the x-axis of image. Returns ------- str Channel address """ if self._xaxischannel: return str(self._xaxischannel.address) else: return '' @xAxisChannel.setter def xAxisChannel(self, value): """ The channel address in use for the x-axis of image. Parameters ---------- value : str Channel address """ if self._xaxischannel != value: # Disconnect old channel if self._xaxischannel: self._xaxischannel.disconnect() # Create and connect new channel self._xaxischannel = PyDMChannel( address=value, connection_slot=self.connectionStateChanged, value_slot=self.xaxis_value_changed, severity_slot=self.alarmSeverityChanged) self._channels[1] = self._xaxischannel self._xaxischannel.connect() @Property(str) def yAxisChannel(self): """ The channel address in use for the time axis. Returns ------- str Channel address """ if self._yaxischannel: return str(self._yaxischannel.address) else: return '' @yAxisChannel.setter def yAxisChannel(self, value): """ The channel address in use for the time axis. Parameters ---------- value : str Channel address """ if self._yaxischannel != value: # Disconnect old channel if self._yaxischannel: self._yaxischannel.disconnect() # Create and connect new channel self._yaxischannel = PyDMChannel( address=value, connection_slot=self.yaxis_connection_state_changed, value_slot=self.yaxis_value_changed, severity_slot=self.alarmSeverityChanged) self._channels[2] = self._yaxischannel self._yaxischannel.connect() @Property(str) def ROIOffsetXChannel(self): """ Return the channel address in use for the image ROI horizontal offset. Returns ------- str Channel address """ if self._roioffsetxchannel: return str(self._roioffsetxchannel.address) else: return '' @ROIOffsetXChannel.setter def ROIOffsetXChannel(self, value): """ Return the channel address in use for the image ROI horizontal offset. Parameters ---------- value : str Channel address """ if self._roioffsetxchannel != value: # Disconnect old channel if self._roioffsetxchannel: self._roioffsetxchannel.disconnect() # Create and connect new channel self._roioffsetxchannel = PyDMChannel( address=value, connection_slot=self.roioffsetx_connection_state_changed, value_slot=self.roioffsetx_value_changed, severity_slot=self.alarmSeverityChanged) self._channels[3] = self._roioffsetxchannel self._roioffsetxchannel.connect() @Property(str) def ROIOffsetYChannel(self): """ Return the channel address in use for the image ROI vertical offset. Returns ------- str Channel address """ if self._roioffsetychannel: return str(self._roioffsetychannel.address) else: return '' @ROIOffsetYChannel.setter def ROIOffsetYChannel(self, value): """ Return the channel address in use for the image ROI vertical offset. Parameters ---------- value : str Channel address """ if self._roioffsetychannel != value: # Disconnect old channel if self._roioffsetychannel: self._roioffsetychannel.disconnect() # Create and connect new channel self._roioffsetychannel = PyDMChannel( address=value, connection_slot=self.roioffsety_connection_state_changed, value_slot=self.roioffsety_value_changed, severity_slot=self.alarmSeverityChanged) self._channels[4] = self._roioffsetychannel self._roioffsetychannel.connect() @Property(str) def ROIWidthChannel(self): """ Return the channel address in use for the image ROI width. Returns ------- str Channel address """ if self._roiwidthchannel: return str(self._roiwidthchannel.address) else: return '' @ROIWidthChannel.setter def ROIWidthChannel(self, value): """ Return the channel address in use for the image ROI width. Parameters ---------- value : str Channel address """ if self._roiwidthchannel != value: # Disconnect old channel if self._roiwidthchannel: self._roiwidthchannel.disconnect() # Create and connect new channel self._roiwidthchannel = PyDMChannel( address=value, connection_slot=self.roiwidth_connection_state_changed, value_slot=self.roiwidth_value_changed, severity_slot=self.alarmSeverityChanged) self._channels[5] = self._roiwidthchannel self._roiwidthchannel.connect() @Property(str) def ROIHeightChannel(self): """ Return the channel address in use for the image ROI height. Returns ------- str Channel address """ if self._roiheightchannel: return str(self._roiheightchannel.address) else: return '' @ROIHeightChannel.setter def ROIHeightChannel(self, value): """ Return the channel address in use for the image ROI height. Parameters ---------- value : str Channel address """ if self._roiheightchannel != value: # Disconnect old channel if self._roiheightchannel: self._roiheightchannel.disconnect() # Create and connect new channel self._roiheightchannel = PyDMChannel( address=value, connection_slot=self.roiheight_connection_state_changed, value_slot=self.roiheight_value_changed, severity_slot=self.alarmSeverityChanged) self._channels[6] = self._roiheightchannel self._roiheightchannel.connect()
[docs] def channels(self): """ Return the channels being used for this Widget. Returns ------- channels : list List of PyDMChannel objects """ return [ch for ch in self._channels if ch is not None]
[docs] def channels_for_tools(self): """Return channels for tools.""" return [self._imagechannel]