Source code for siriushla.widgets.scrollbar

"""PyDMScrollBar module."""

from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, Signal
from .QDoubleScrollBar import QDoubleScrollBar
from pydm.widgets.base import PyDMWritableWidget, TextFormatter

[docs] class PyDMScrollBar(QDoubleScrollBar, TextFormatter, PyDMWritableWidget): """ A QDoubleScrollBar with support for Channels and more from PyDM. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget The parent widget for the scroll bar init_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget. orientation : Qt.Horizontal, Qt.Vertical Orientation of the scroll bar precision : int Precision to be use. Used to calculate size of the scroll bar step """ value_changed_signal = Signal([int], [float], [str]) connected_signal = Signal() disconnected_signal = Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None, orientation=Qt.Horizontal, init_channel=None): """Init.""" QDoubleScrollBar.__init__(self, orientation, parent) PyDMWritableWidget.__init__(self, init_channel) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.setInvertedControls(False) self.setTracking(True) self.actionTriggered.connect(self.send_value)
[docs] def widget_ctx_menu(self): """Return context menu.""" return self.contextMenu
[docs] def send_value(self): """Emit a :attr:`send_value_signal` to update channel value.""" value = self.sliderPosition if self._connected and self.channeltype is not None: self.send_value_signal[self.channeltype].emit( self.channeltype(value))
[docs] def ctrl_limit_changed(self, which, new_limit): """Set new upper/lower limits as maximum/minimum values.""" PyDMWritableWidget.ctrl_limit_changed(self, which, new_limit) if which == "UPPER": self.setMaximum(self._upper_ctrl_limit) else: self.setMinimum(self._lower_ctrl_limit)
[docs] def precision_changed(self, new_precision): """Set the step size based on the new precision value received.""" TextFormatter.precision_changed(self, new_precision) self.setDecimals(round(self._prec)) self.setSingleStep(1/10**self._prec) self.setPageStep(10/10**self._prec)