Source code for siriushla.widgets.log_label

"""Log label."""

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QListWidget, QListWidgetItem
from qtpy.QtCore import Property, Q_ENUMS
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor

from pydm.data_plugins import plugin_for_address
from pydm.widgets.base import PyDMWidget, TextFormatter
from pydm.widgets.display_format import DisplayFormat, parse_value_for_display

from siriuspy.clientarch import Time as _Time

[docs] class PyDMLogLabel(QListWidget, TextFormatter, PyDMWidget, DisplayFormat): """ A QListWidget with support for Channels and more from PyDM. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget The parent widget for the Label init_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget. """ DisplayFormat = DisplayFormat Q_ENUMS(DisplayFormat) errorcolor = QColor(255, 0, 0) warncolor = QColor(200, 200, 0) def __init__(self, parent=None, init_channel=None, replace=None): QListWidget.__init__(self, parent) PyDMWidget.__init__(self, init_channel=init_channel) self._buffer_size = 1000 self._prepend_date_time = True self._display_format_type = DisplayFormat.String self._string_encoding = "utf_8" self._date_time_fmt = '%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S' self._replace = list() if replace is None else replace channel = '' if init_channel is None else init_channel self._plugin_conns = plugin_for_address(channel).connections
[docs] def value_changed(self, new_value): """ Callback invoked when the Channel value is changed. Sets the value of new_value accordingly at the Label. Parameters ---------- new_value : str, int, float, bool or np.ndarray The new value from the channel. The type depends on the channel. """ super(PyDMLogLabel, self).value_changed(new_value) new_value = parse_value_for_display( value=new_value, precision=self._prec, display_format_type=self._display_format_type, string_encoding=self._string_encoding, widget=self) if self.count() > self._buffer_size: self.clear() prefix = '' if self._prepend_date_time: timestamp = self._plugin_conns[].pv.timestamp prefix += _Time(timestamp).strftime(self._date_time_fmt) prefix += ' ' # If the value is a string, just display it as-is, no formatting # needed. item = None if isinstance(new_value, str): if self._replace: last_item = self.item(self.count()-1) if last_item is not None: last_text = last_item.text().lower() for r in self._replace: if r.lower() in new_value.lower() and \ r.lower() in last_text.lower(): item = last_item item.setText(prefix + new_value) return if item is None: item = QListWidgetItem(prefix + new_value) if new_value.lower().startswith(('err', 'fatal')): item.setForeground(self.errorcolor) elif new_value.lower().startswith('warn'): item.setForeground(self.warncolor) # If the value is an enum, display the appropriate enum string for # the value. elif self.enum_strings is not None and isinstance(new_value, int): try: item = QListWidgetItem(prefix + self.enum_strings[new_value]) except IndexError: item = QListWidgetItem("**INVALID**") # If the value is a number (float or int), display it using a # format string if necessary. elif isinstance(new_value, (int, float)): item = QListWidgetItem(prefix+self.format_string.format(new_value)) # If you made it this far, just turn whatever the heck the value # is into a string and display it. else: item = QListWidgetItem(prefix + str(new_value)) if item is not None: self.addItem(item) self.scrollToBottom()
@Property(DisplayFormat) def displayFormat(self): """ The format to display data. Returns ------- int """ return self._display_format_type @displayFormat.setter def displayFormat(self, new_type): """ The maximum number of entries to show. When maximum is exceeded the widget is cleared. Returns ------- int """ if self._display_format_type != new_type: self._display_format_type = new_type # Trigger the update of display format if self.value is not None: self.value_changed(self.value) @Property(int) def bufferSize(self): """ The maximum number of entries to show. When maximum is exceeded the widget is cleared. Returns ------- int """ return int(self._buffer_size) @bufferSize.setter def bufferSize(self, value): """ The maximum number of entries to show. When maximum is exceeded the widget is cleared. Parameters ---------- value : int """ self._buffer_size = int(value) @Property(bool) def prependDateTime(self): """ Define if the date and time information will be prepended to the text. Returns ------- bool """ return self._prepend_date_time @prependDateTime.setter def prependDateTime(self, value): """ Define if the date and time information will be prepended to the text. Parameters ---------- value : bool """ self._prepend_date_time = bool(value) @Property(str) def dateTimeFmt(self): """ Define the format of the datetime information to be prepended. Returns ------- str """ return self._date_time_fmt @dateTimeFmt.setter def dateTimeFmt(self, value): """ Define the format of the datetime information to be prepended. Parameters ---------- value : str """ self._date_time_fmt = str(value)