Source code for siriushla.widgets.line_edit

"""PyDMLine edit with validator."""
import locale
import numpy as np

from qtpy.QtCore import QRegExp
from qtpy.QtGui import QRegExpValidator

from pydm.widgets.line_edit import PyDMLineEdit

[docs] class SiriusLineEdit(PyDMLineEdit): """LineEdit with validator."""
[docs] def update_format_string(self): """ Accept a unit to display with a channel's value The unit may or may not be displayed based on the :attr:`showUnits` attribute. Receiving a new value for the unit causes the display to reset. """ if self.channeltype is float: decimal_point = locale.localeconv()['decimal_point'] # decimal_point = '.' if self._show_units and self._unit != "": re = QRegExp( '(-?)(0|([1-9][0-9]*))(\\{}[0-9]+)?( {})?' .format(decimal_point, self._unit)) else: re = QRegExp('(-?)(0|([1-9][0-9]*))(\\{}[0-9]+)?' .format(decimal_point)) validator = QRegExpValidator(re, self) self.setValidator(validator) super().update_format_string()
[docs] class SiriusWaveformLineEdit(SiriusLineEdit): """Line Edit with bugfix for waveform setpoints."""
[docs] def value_changed(self, value): """Force value to be a numpy array.""" super().value_changed( np.array([value]) if type(value) is not np.ndarray else value )