Source code for siriushla.widgets.detachable_tabwidget

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QTabBar, QTabWidget, qApp, QMessageBox
from qtpy.QtCore import Signal, Slot, QPoint, Qt
from qtpy.QtGui import QCursor

from ..widgets import SiriusMainWindow

[docs] class DetachableTabWidget(QTabWidget): """ The DetachableTabWidget adds additional functionality to Qt's QTabWidget that allows it to detach and re-attach tabs. Detach tabs by double clicking the tab Adapted from Original by Stack Overflow user: Blackwood, 13/11/2017 """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """.""" super().__init__(parent=parent) self.tabBar = TabBar(self) self.tabBar.onDetachTabSignal.connect(self.detachTab) self.setTabBar(self.tabBar) # Used to keep a reference to detached tabs since their QMainWindow # does not have a parent self.detachedTabs = dict() # Close all detached tabs if the application is closed explicitly qApp.aboutToQuit.connect(self.closeDetachedTabs) # @UndefinedVariable
[docs] @Slot(int, QPoint) def detachTab(self, index, point): """Detach tab from TabWidget.""" # Get the tab content name = self.objectName() text = self.tabText(index) icon = self.tabIcon(index) if icon.isNull(): icon = self.window().windowIcon() contentWidget = self.widget(index) try: contentWidgetRect = contentWidget.frameGeometry() except AttributeError: return # Create a new detached tab window detachedTab = DetachedTab(name, text, contentWidget, parent=self) detachedTab.setWindowModality(Qt.NonModal) detachedTab.setWindowIcon(icon) detachedTab.setGeometry(contentWidgetRect) detachedTab.onAttachSignal.connect(self.attachTabSlot) detachedTab.move(point) # Create a reference to maintain access to the detached tab self.detachedTabs[text] = (detachedTab, index)
[docs] def attachTab(self, contentWidget, name, icon, index): """Attach tab to QTabWidget.""" # Create an image from the given icon (for comparison) if not icon.isNull(): try: tabIconPixmap = icon.pixmap(icon.availableSizes()[0]) tabIconImage = tabIconPixmap.toImage() except IndexError: tabIconImage = None else: tabIconImage = None # Create an image of the main window icon (for comparison) if not icon.isNull(): try: windowIconPixmap = self.window().windowIcon().pixmap( icon.availableSizes()[0]) windowIconImage = windowIconPixmap.toImage() except IndexError: windowIconImage = None else: windowIconImage = None # Determine if the given image and the main window icon are the same. # If they are, then do not add the icon to the tab if tabIconImage == windowIconImage: index = self.insertTab(index, contentWidget, name) else: index = self.insertTab(index, contentWidget, icon, name) # Make this tab the current tab if index > -1: self.setCurrentIndex(index)
[docs] @Slot(str) def attachTabSlot(self, name): """Slot responsible for attaching tab to QTabWidget.""" wind, index = self.detachedTabs[name] # Create references to the detached tab's content and icon indcs = sorted(idx for _, idx in self.detachedTabs.values()) index -= indcs.index(index) contentWidget = wind.contentWidget icon = wind.windowIcon() # Make the content widget a child of this widget contentWidget.setParent(self) wind.onAttachSignal.disconnect() wind.do_close() del self.detachedTabs[name] self.attachTab(contentWidget, name, icon, index)
[docs] def closeDetachedTabs(self): """Slot responsible for clsing detached tabs.""" for dettab, _ in self.detachedTabs.values(): dettab.do_close()
[docs] class DetachedTab(SiriusMainWindow): """Reimplement SiriusMainWindow to accomodated detached tabs.""" onAttachSignal = Signal(str) def __init__(self, name, text, contentWidget, parent=None): """.""" SiriusMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self._do_close = False self.setObjectName(name[:2] + 'App') self.setWindowTitle(text) self.menuBar().addAction('Attach Tab', self._retach_tab) self.contentWidget = contentWidget self.setCentralWidget(self.contentWidget)
[docs] def do_close(self): """.""" self._do_close = True self.close()
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """.""" if self._do_close: event.accept() else: event.ignore() # self._retach_tab() QMessageBox.information( self, 'Operation not Permitted', 'It is not possible to close this window.\n' + 'Please click in the MenuBar option "Attach Tab" '+ 'to re-attach it to the original TabWidget.')
@Slot() def _retach_tab(self): self.onAttachSignal.emit(self.windowTitle())
[docs] class TabBar(QTabBar): """Reimplement QTabBar to add DoubleClickEvent handling.""" onDetachTabSignal = Signal(int, QPoint) def __init__(self, parent=None): """.""" QTabBar.__init__(self, parent) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setToolTip('Double click to detach Tab.') self.setElideMode(Qt.ElideRight) self.setSelectionBehaviorOnRemove(QTabBar.SelectLeftTab) self.mouseCursor = QCursor()
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): """.""" event.accept() self.onDetachTabSignal.emit( self.tabAt(event.pos()), self.mouseCursor.pos())