Source code for siriushla.widgets.bar_graph

"""This module defines a widget that represent a PV as bar graph."""
import logging

import epics
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg

from import PyDMChannel
from qtpy.QtCore import QTimer, QSize


[docs] class BarGraphModel: """Model for BarGraphWidget.""" def __init__(self, waveform=[], width=1, brush="b", scale=1): """Set waveform and parameters.""" self._pvname = None self._waveform = waveform self._size = len(self._waveform) self.x = range(self.size) self.width = width self.brush = brush self.scale = scale @property def waveform(self): """Return the value read from PV.""" return self._waveform @waveform.setter def waveform(self, waveform): self._waveform = waveform self.size = len(waveform) @property def size(self): """Return size of PV array.""" return self._size @size.setter def size(self, size): self._size = size self.x = range(self._size)
[docs] def connected(self): """Return always connected.""" return True
[docs] class EpicsBarGraphModel: """Handle the model data to be represented as a bar graph.""" TIMEOUT = 0.2 def __init__(self, width=1, brush=None, scale=1, update_interval=1000): """Set model data. pvname - pv to be represented as a graph size - size of the array scale - scale the array values update_interval - interval to read PV and update view """ self._pvname = None self._size = 0 self.x = range(self.size) self.width = width self.brush = brush self.scale = scale self.update_interval = update_interval self._connect() @property def pvname(self): """Name of the PV to retrieve value.""" return self._pvname @pvname.setter def pvname(self, pvname): self._pvname = pvname self._connect() self.x = range(self._size) @property def waveform(self): """Retrun the value read from PV.""" waveform = self.pv.get(timeout=self.TIMEOUT) return [val*self.scale for val in waveform] @property def size(self): """Return size of PV array.""" return self._size @size.setter def size(self, size): self._size = size @property def connected(self): """Return connection status.""" return self.pv.status def _connect(self): if self.pvname is not None: self.pv = epics.PV(self.pvname) self.pv.wait_for_connection(timeout=self.TIMEOUT) if self.pv is None: logging.warning("Failed to connect to PV.") else: self.pv.get(timeout=self.TIMEOUT) self.size = self.pv.count else: self.pv = None
[docs] class PyDMBarGraphModel: """Data model for the bar graph widget based on PyDMChannel.""" def __init__(self, init_channel=None, width=1, brush=None, scale=1, update_interval=1000): """Set epics channel connection. init_channel - pv to be represented as a graph size - size of the array scale - scale the array values update_interval - interval to read PV and update view """ = init_channel self._channels = None self._connected = False self._size = 0 self.x = range(self.size) self.width = width self.brush = brush self.scale = scale self.update_interval = update_interval self._value = None self._waveform = [] @property def waveform(self): """Return waveform array.""" waveform = self._value if waveform is None: return None return np.array([val*self.scale for val in waveform]) @waveform.setter def waveform(self, waveform): self._value = waveform @property def size(self): """Return size of PV array.""" return self._size @size.setter def size(self, size): self._size = size self.x = range(self._size) @property def connected(self): """Return connection status.""" return self._connected
[docs] def connectionChanged(self, conn): """Slot called when connection state changes.""" logging.debug("Connection changed to {}".format(conn)) self._connected = conn
[docs] def valueChanged(self, value): """Slot called when value changes.""" self.waveform = value self.size = len(value)
# @Slot(list) # def waveformChanged(self, waveform): # """Slot called when value changes (PV of type array).""" # self.waveform = waveform # @Slot(int) # def countChanged(self, count): # """Slot called when count changes.""" # self.size = count
[docs] def channels(self): """Define slots and signals mappings for the epics channel.""" if self._channels is None: self._channels = [ PyDMChannel(, connection_slot=lambda conn: self.connectionChanged(conn), value_slot=lambda val: self.valueChanged(val))] # waveform_slot=lambda wvfrm: self.waveformChanged(wvfrm), # count_slot=lambda count: self.countChanged(count))] return self._channels
[docs] class BaseBarGraphWidget(pg.PlotWidget): """Widget that represents a waveform as a bar graph. Uses pyqtgraph (PlotWidget and BarGraphItem) to represent a wave, usually an array, as a bar graph. Functions: set_scale - sets a scale factor for viewing the graph; set_width - set the widtg of the bars; set_brush - set brush color. """ # Public Interface
[docs] def set_scale(self, scale): """Set scale.""" self.model.scale = scale
[docs] def set_width(self, width): """Set bar width.""" self.model.width = width
[docs] def set_brush(self, color): """Set brush color.""" self.model.brush = color
# Private methods def _plot(self): y = self.model.waveform if y is None: logging.warning("Failed to read PV value") return if not self.model.connected: logging.warning("Connection is down") return item = pg.BarGraphItem(x=self.model.x, height=y, width=self.model.width, brush=self.model.brush) self.addItem(item) self.plot() def _update(self): self.clear() self._plot()
[docs] def sizeHint(self): """Preferred size.""" return QSize(2048, 400)
[docs] class BarGraphWidget(BaseBarGraphWidget): """Widget to show a waveform as graph of bars. Functions: set_waveform - plot a waveform (array) as a bar graph; Also see BaseBarGraphWidget. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Init PlotWidget. Constructor optional parameters: - scale: scale factor; - width: bar width; - brush: brush color; - waveform: waveform to be displayed. """ super().__init__() self.model = BarGraphModel(**kwargs) # Public Interface
[docs] def set_waveform(self, waveform): """Set waveform.""" self.model.waveform = waveform self._update()
[docs] class PyDMBarGraph(BaseBarGraphWidget): """Widget that represents a PV as a bar graph. The widget reads a PV value and updates it synchronously. Functions: set_update_interval - set the update interval at which the PV value is is queried and the view is updated; Also see BaseBarGraphWidget. """ def __init__(self, channel=None, **kwargs): """Set model and start timer. Constructor parameters: - channel: pv channel to be read; - scale: scale factor; - width: bar width; - brush: brush color; - update_interval: interval to update view. """ super().__init__() self.model = PyDMBarGraphModel(init_channel=channel, **kwargs) self.update_timer = QTimer(self) self.update_timer.timeout.connect(self._update) # Public interface
[docs] def start(self): """Start running timer.""" self.update_timer.start(self.model.update_interval)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop.""" self.update_timer.stop()
[docs] def set_update_interval(self, interval): """Set timer update interval.""" self.update_timer.stop() self.model.update_interval = interval self.update_timer.start(self.model.update_interval)
[docs] def channels(self): """Used by PyDmApplication to set the model channel.""" if isinstance(self.model, PyDMBarGraphModel): return self.model.channels() return [PyDMChannel()]
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from pydm import PyDMApplication app = PyDMApplication(None, sys.argv) w = BarGraphWidget() w.set_scale(100) w.set_brush("b") pv = "fac-lnls455-linux-SI-13C4:DI-DCCT:BbBCurrent-Mon" = pv sys.exit(app.exec_())