"""Util module."""
import os as _os
import time as _time
import subprocess as _subprocess
import pkg_resources as _pkg_resources
from functools import partial as _part
from qtpy.QtCore import QFile as _QFile, Signal as _Signal, QThread as _QThread
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QAction, QApplication, QDialog, \
QHBoxLayout, QLabel
import qtawesome as qta
from pydm.utilities.stylesheet import _get_style_data as pydm_get_style_data
def get_package_version():
fname = _pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'VERSION')
with open(fname, 'r') as _f:
version = _f.read().strip()
return version
def get_monitor_icon(icon_name, color=None):
color = color or QColor(50, 50, 50)
return qta.icon(icon_name, 'mdi.monitor', options=[
dict(scale_factor=0.8, color=color, offset=(0.0, -0.07)),
dict(scale_factor=1.4, color=color, offset=(0.0, 0.00))])
def set_style(app):
"""Implement sirius-hla-style.css as default Qt resource file HLA."""
abspath = _os.path.abspath(_os.path.dirname(__file__))
fname = _os.path.join(abspath, 'sirius-hla-style.css')
stream = _QFile(fname)
if stream.open(_QFile.ReadOnly):
style = str(stream.readAll(), 'utf-8')
pydm_style = pydm_get_style_data()
app.setStyleSheet(style + '\n' + pydm_style)
print('set_style: "{0}": {1}'.format(fname, stream.errorString()))
def get_window_id(w_class, **kwargs):
"""Serialize parameters."""
return ''.join([w_class.__name__, str(kwargs)])
def connect_window(widget, w_class, parent, signal=None, **kwargs):
"""Connect a widget to a window."""
signal = signal or get_appropriate_signal(widget)
app = QApplication.instance()
widget.w_class = w_class
widget.kwargs = kwargs
signal.connect(lambda: app.open_window(
app.sender().w_class, parent=parent, **app.sender().kwargs))
def connect_newprocess(widget, cmd, is_window=True, parent=None, signal=None,
is_pydm=False, **kwargs):
"""Execute a child program in a new process."""
signal = signal or get_appropriate_signal(widget)
signal.connect(lambda: run_newprocess(cmd, is_pydm=is_pydm, **kwargs))
if is_window:
signal.connect(_part(_show_loading_message, parent, cmd, is_pydm))
def check_process(cmd, is_window=True, is_pydm=False):
# Maximize the window if it exists, else create a new one
scmd = (_subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd) if isinstance(cmd, list) else cmd)
window = ''
pid = ''
if is_pydm:
cmdsplit = scmd.split()
_, _, sec, _, app = cmdsplit[0].split('-')[:5]
options = cmdsplit[-1] if len(cmdsplit) > 1 else ''
app = app.split('.py')[0]
scmd = ('ps hx -o pid,command= | grep [s]iriushlacon' +
f' | grep {app} | grep "/bin/pydm"')
if options:
scmd += f' | grep "{options}"'
if sec in {'bo', 'tb', 'ts', 'si'}:
scmd += ' | grep ' + sec.upper()
elif sec == 'as':
name1 = _os.path.join(app, 'main')
name2 = _os.path.join(app, app)
scmd += f' | grep "{name1}\\|{name2}"'
infos = _subprocess.getoutput(scmd).split('\n')
for info in infos:
if not info:
pidc, comm = info.split()[:2]
window = check_window_by_pid(pidc, comm)
if window:
pid = pidc
sess = _subprocess.getoutput(
'ps -A -o sess,args | grep "[p]s -A -o sess,args" | xargs '
'| cut -f1 -d " " -')
info = _subprocess.getoutput(
'ps h -A -o pid,sess,command= | grep "['+scmd[0]+']' +
scmd[1:]+'" | grep '+sess)
if info and is_window:
info = info.split('\n')[0]
pid, _, comm = info.split()[:3]
window = check_window_by_pid(pid, comm)
if pid and not window:
infos = _subprocess.getoutput(
'ps h -o pid,command= --ppid ' + pid).split('\n')
for info in infos:
if not info:
pidc, comm = info.split()[:2]
window = check_window_by_pid(pidc, comm)
if window:
pid = pidc
return pid, window
def check_window_by_pid(pid, comm):
if 'edm' in comm:
wind = _subprocess.getoutput('wmctrl -lpx | grep edm | grep SIRIUS')
wind = _subprocess.getoutput('wmctrl -lpx | grep ' + pid)
if not wind:
return ''
window = wind.split('\n')[0].split()[0]
return window
def run_newprocess(cmd, is_window=True, is_pydm=False, **kwargs):
pid, window = check_process(cmd, is_window=is_window, is_pydm=is_pydm)
if window:
"wmctrl -iR " + window, stdin=_subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
elif not pid:
_subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
def get_appropriate_color(section='SI'):
dic = {
'AS': '#d7ccc8',
'LI': '#f3d2d5',
'TB': '#fcaac7',
'BO': '#c8e6c9',
'TS': '#b2ebf2',
'SI': '#56aeff',
'ID': '#bbbbdd',
'IT': '#ffece6',
if section not in dic:
return '#efefef'
return dic[section]
def get_appropriate_signal(widget):
if isinstance(widget, QAction):
signal = widget.triggered
elif isinstance(widget, QPushButton):
signal = widget.clicked
raise AttributeError("Undefined signal for {}".format(widget))
return signal
def _show_loading_message(parent, cmd, is_pydm=False):
global THREAD
THREAD = LoadingThread(parent, cmd=cmd, is_pydm=is_pydm)
message = LoadingDialog(parent, 'Wait', '<h3>Loading Window</h3>')
class LoadingDialog(QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent, title, message):
lay = QHBoxLayout(self)
class LoadingThread(_QThread):
openmessage = _Signal()
closemessage = _Signal()
def __init__(self, parent=None, cmd='', is_pydm=False):
self.cmd = cmd
self.is_pydm = is_pydm
def run(self):
wind = ''
for _ in range(500):
_, wind = check_process(self.cmd, is_pydm=self.is_pydm)
if wind: