Source code for siriushla.sirius_application

"""Definition of the Sirius Application class."""
import sys
import os
import time
import traceback
import logging as _log
from io import StringIO
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
from pydm import PyDMApplication, data_plugins

from .util import get_window_id, set_style

# Set the process umask so we don't have problems with logfile permissions

# Create log file
LOGFILE = '/tmp/sirius-hla.log'
    open(LOGFILE, 'a').close()
    os.chmod(LOGFILE, 0o666)
except (OSError, PermissionError):

# Configure Logging
fmt = '%(levelname)7s | %(asctime)s | ' +\
      '%(module)15s.%(funcName)-20s[%(lineno)4d] ::: %(message)s'
    format=fmt, datefmt='%F %T', level=_log.INFO,
    filename=LOGFILE, filemode='a')

[docs] def excepthook(exctype, excvalue, tracebackobj): """ Global function to catch unhandled exceptions. @param exctype exception type @param excvalue exception value @param tracebackobj traceback object """ app = SiriusApplication.instance() if app is None: app = SiriusApplication(None, sys.argv) separator = '-' * 120 + '\n' notice = \ 'An unhandled exception occurred. Please report the problem '\ 'via email to <{}>.\nA log has {{}}been written to "{}".\n\n'\ 'Error information:\n'.format("", LOGFILE) timestring = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S") + '\n' tbinfofile = StringIO() traceback.print_tb(tracebackobj, None, tbinfofile) tbinfo = errmsg = '%s: \n%s\n' % (str(exctype), str(excvalue)) sections = [timestring, errmsg, tbinfo] msg = separator.join(sections) try: with open(LOGFILE, 'a') as fil: fil.write('\n' + msg + '\n') try: os.chmod(LOGFILE, 0o666) except OSError: pass except PermissionError: notice = notice.format('NOT ') else: notice = notice.format('') errorbox = QMessageBox() errorbox.setText(notice) errorbox.setInformativeText(msg) errorbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) errorbox.setWindowTitle('Error') errorbox.setStyleSheet( '#qt_msgbox_informativelabel {min-width: 40em;}') errorbox.exec_()
sys.excepthook = excepthook
[docs] class SiriusApplication(PyDMApplication): """Derivation of PyDMApplication used in Sirius HLA.""" def __init__(self, ui_file=None, command_line_args=[], use_main_window=False, **kwargs): """Create an attribute to hold open windows.""" super().__init__(ui_file=ui_file, command_line_args=command_line_args, use_main_window=use_main_window, **kwargs) size = min(*self._get_desktop_geometry()) if size < 1080: font = self.font() font.setPointSize(7) self.setFont(font) set_style(self) self._windows = dict()
[docs] def open_window(self, w_class, parent=None, **kwargs): """Open new window. A new window will be created if it is not already open. Otherwise, the existing window is brought to focus. """ # One top level widget as the parent? wid = get_window_id(w_class, **kwargs) try: self._show(wid) self._windows[wid].activateWindow() except (KeyError, RuntimeError): # KeyError - Window does not exist # RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type x has been deleted self._create_and_show(wid, w_class, parent, **kwargs)
def _show(self, wid): if self._windows[wid].isHidden(): self._windows[wid].show() elif self._windows[wid].isMinimized(): self._windows[wid].showNormal() def _create_and_show(self, wid, w_class, parent, **kwargs): with data_plugins.connection_queue(): window = w_class(parent=parent, **kwargs) self._windows[wid] = window self._windows[wid].show() def _get_desktop_geometry(self): size = self.primaryScreen().virtualSize() return size.width(), size.height()