Source code for siriushla.si_ap_orbintlk.custom_widgets

"""BPM Interlock Buttons."""

import time as _time
import numpy as _np

from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, Signal, Slot, QSize
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QComboBox, QSizePolicy as QSzPlcy, \
    QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QCheckBox, QLabel, QGridLayout, QSpinBox, QGroupBox,\
    QDoubleSpinBox, QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QScrollArea

from pydm.widgets.base import PyDMWidget

from ..widgets import SiriusLedState, QLed, SelectionMatrixWidget, \
    SiriusConnectionSignal, SiriusLabel
from ..widgets.dialog import ReportDialog, ProgressDialog
from ..common.epics.task import EpicsConnector, EpicsSetter, \
    EpicsChecker, EpicsWait
from ..as_ap_configdb import LoadConfigDialog
from .base import BaseObject

[docs] class RefOrbComboBox(QComboBox): """Reference Orbit Selection ComboBox.""" refOrbChanged = Signal(str) def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setSizePolicy(QSzPlcy.Expanding, QSzPlcy.Preferred) self.setMaxVisibleItems(10) self._choose_reforb = [ 'Zero', 'ref_orb', 'bba_orb', 'other...'] for item in self._choose_reforb: self.addItem(item) self.setCurrentText('ref_orb') self.activated.connect(self._add_reforb_entry) @Slot(int) def _add_reforb_entry(self, index): text = self.itemText(index) if not text.startswith('other'): self.refOrbChanged.emit(text) return win = LoadConfigDialog('si_orbit', self) confname, status = win.exec_() if not status: self.setCurrentIndex(0) return self.insertItem(index, confname) self.setCurrentIndex(index) self.refOrbChanged.emit(confname)
class _BPMSelectionWidget(BaseObject, SelectionMatrixWidget): """BPM Base Selection Widget.""" def __init__( self, parent=None, title='', propty='', prefix='', **kwargs): """Init.""" BaseObject.__init__(self, prefix) self.propty = propty SelectionMatrixWidget.__init__( self, parent=parent, title=title, **kwargs) def sizeHint(self): """Return the base size of the widget.""" return QSize(500, 1200) def get_headers(self): nicks = self.BPM_NICKNAMES top_headers = sorted({nick[2:] for nick in nicks}) top_headers = top_headers[-2:] + top_headers[:-2] side_headers = sorted({nick[:2] for nick in nicks}) side_headers.append(side_headers[0]) return top_headers, side_headers def get_widgets(self): widgets = list() sz_polc = QSzPlcy(QSzPlcy.Fixed, QSzPlcy.Fixed) for idx, nick in enumerate(self.BPM_NICKNAMES): wid = QWidget(self.parent()) tooltip = '{0}; Pos = {1:5.1f} m'.format( nick, self.BPM_POS[idx]) if self.propty: item = SiriusLedState(self) item.setParent(wid) item.setSizePolicy(sz_polc) item.setToolTip(tooltip) else: item = QCheckBox(self) item.setSizePolicy(sz_polc) hbl = QHBoxLayout(wid) hbl.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) hbl.addWidget(item) widgets.append(wid) return widgets def get_positions(self): top_headers, _ = self.headers positions = list() for idx, nick in enumerate(self.BPM_NICKNAMES): i = (idx + 1) // len(top_headers) j = top_headers.index(nick[2:]) positions.append((i, j)) return positions
[docs] class BPMIntlkEnblWidget(_BPMSelectionWidget, PyDMWidget): """BPM Orbit Interlock Enable Widget.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, propty='', title='', prefix=''): """Init.""" _BPMSelectionWidget.__init__( self, parent=parent, propty=propty, title=title, prefix=prefix) address = self.hlprefix.substitute(prefix=self.prefix, propty=propty) PyDMWidget.__init__(self, init_channel=address.replace('-SP', '-RB')) # initialize auxiliary attributes self.propty = propty # create channels self.pv_sel = SiriusConnectionSignal(address) self.setObjectName('SIApp') self.setStyleSheet('#SIApp{min-width: 27em; max-width: 27em;}') # connect signals and slots self.applyChangesClicked.connect(self.send_value)
[docs] def send_value(self): """Send new value.""" val = self.pv_sel.getvalue() if val is None: return for idx, wid in enumerate(self.widgets): led = wid.findChild(QLed) if led.isSelected(): val[idx] = int(not led.state) led.setSelected(False) self.pv_sel.send_value_signal[_np.ndarray].emit(val)
[docs] def value_changed(self, new_val): if not isinstance(new_val, _np.ndarray): return super(BPMIntlkEnblWidget, self).value_changed(new_val) for i, wid in enumerate(self.widgets): led = wid.findChild(QLed) led.state = self.value[i] self.adjustSize() parent = self.parent() while parent is not None: parent.adjustSize() if isinstance(parent, QDialog): break parent = parent.parent()
[docs] def connection_changed(self, new_conn): super(BPMIntlkEnblWidget, self).connection_changed(new_conn) for wid in self.widgets: led = wid.findChild(QLed) led.setEnabled(new_conn)
[docs] class BPMIntlkLimSPWidget(BaseObject, QWidget): """BPM Orbit Interlock Limit Setpoint Widget.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, metric='', prefix=''): """Init.""" BaseObject.__init__(self, prefix) QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # initialize auxiliary attributes self.metric = metric.lower() if 'sum' in self.metric: self.lim_sp = ['MinSumLim-SP', ] self.title = 'Min.Sum. Thresholds' elif 'pos' in self.metric: self.lim_sp = [ 'PosXMinLim-SP', 'PosXMaxLim-SP', 'PosYMinLim-SP', 'PosYMaxLim-SP'] self.title = 'Position Thresholds' elif 'ang' in self.metric: self.lim_sp = [ 'AngXMinLim-SP', 'AngXMaxLim-SP', 'AngYMinLim-SP', 'AngYMaxLim-SP'] self.title = 'Angulation Thresholds' else: raise ValueError(metric) if 'sum' in self.metric: self._create_pvs('SlowSumRaw-Mon') self._summon = _np.zeros(len(self.BPM_NAMES), dtype=float) else: self._set_ref_orb('ref_orb') self.lim_pvs = { p: SiriusConnectionSignal(self.hlprefix.substitute(propty=p)) for p in self.lim_sp} # initialize super self.setObjectName('SIApp') self._setupUi() self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) def _setupUi(self): title = QLabel(self.title, self, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) title.setStyleSheet("font-weight: bold;") title.setSizePolicy(QSzPlcy.Preferred, QSzPlcy.Maximum) # limit setpoints self._wid_lims = QGroupBox('Select Thresholds: ') lay_lims = QGridLayout(self._wid_lims) lay_lims.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) row = 0 if 'sum' in self.metric: text = '\nThresholds must be set in FAcq rate counts,\n'\ 'considering polynomial calibration disabled.\n'\ 'Here we make available you to read Sum-Mon\n'\ 'values, in Monit rate counts, and convert them\n'\ 'to orbit interlock counts using Monit/FAcq\n'\ 'ratio. You can also apply a scale factor to the\n'\ 'values read.\n\n' self._label_help = QLabel(text, self) lay_lims.addWidget(self._label_help, row, 0, 1, 2) row += 1 self._pb_get = QPushButton('Get current Sum-Mon', self) self._pb_get.released.connect(self._get_new_sum) lay_lims.addWidget(self._pb_get, row, 0, 1, 2) row += 1 self._label_getsts = QLabel('\n', self) lay_lims.addWidget(self._label_getsts, row, 0, 1, 2) row += 1 self._label_scl = QLabel('Scale: ', self) lay_lims.addWidget(self._label_scl, row, 0) self._spin_scl = QDoubleSpinBox(self) self._spin_scl.setDecimals(2) self._spin_scl.setValue(1.00) self._spin_scl.setMinimum(-100.00) self._spin_scl.setMaximum(+100.00) lay_lims.addWidget(self._spin_scl, row, 1) else: self._head_value = QLabel('Value', self, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) lay_lims.addWidget(self._head_value, 0, 1) self._head_send = QLabel('Apply', self, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) lay_lims.addWidget(self._head_send, 0, 2) self._spins, self._checks = dict(), dict() for lsp in self.lim_sp: row += 1 text = lsp.split('-')[0].split('Lim')[0]+' [nm]: ' label = QLabel(text, self, alignment=Qt.AlignRight) lay_lims.addWidget(label, row, 0) spin = QSpinBox(self) self._spins[lsp] = spin spin.setValue(0) spin.setMinimum(-1e9) spin.setMaximum(1e9) lay_lims.addWidget(spin, row, 1) check = QCheckBox(self) self._checks[lsp] = check lay_lims.addWidget(check, row, 2, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) row += 1 self._label_reforb = QLabel( '\nChoose Ref.Orb. to calculate reference\n' + self.title.lower()+' around which we\napply the values above:') lay_lims.addWidget(self._label_reforb, row, 0, 1, 3) row += 1 self._cb_reforb = RefOrbComboBox(self) self._cb_reforb.refOrbChanged.connect(self._set_ref_orb) lay_lims.addWidget(self._cb_reforb, row, 0, 1, 3) if 'pos' in self.metric: text = '\n\nBPM calculation consider the position\n' \ 'estimative:' \ '\n\n(pos@downstream+pos@upstream)/2\n\n' \ 'where the pairs upstream/downstream\nfolow:\n' \ ' - M1/M2\n' \ ' - C1-1/C1-2\n' \ ' - C2/C3-1\n' \ ' - C3-2/C4\n' elif 'ang' in self.metric: text = '\n\nBPM calculation consider the angulation\n' \ 'estimative:' \ '\n\n(pos@downstream - pos@upstream)\n\n' \ 'where the pairs upstream/downstream\nfolow:\n' \ ' - M1/M2\n' \ ' - C1-1/C1-2\n' \ ' - C2/C3-1\n' \ ' - C3-2/C4\n' row += 1 self._label_help = QLabel(text, self) lay_lims.addWidget(self._label_help, row, 0, 1, 3) # BPM selection groupsel = QGroupBox('Select BPMs:') groupsel.setObjectName('groupsel') groupsel.setStyleSheet( '#groupsel{min-width: 27em; max-width: 27em;}') self._bpm_sel = _BPMSelectionWidget( self, show_toggle_all_false=False, toggle_all_true_text='Select All', prefix=self.prefix) lay_groupsel = QGridLayout(groupsel) lay_groupsel.addWidget(self._bpm_sel) # connect signals and slots self._bpm_sel.applyChangesClicked.connect(self.send_value) lay = QGridLayout(self) lay.addWidget(title, 0, 0, 1, 2) lay.addWidget(self._wid_lims, 1, 0) lay.addWidget(groupsel, 1, 1) def _set_ref_orb(self, text): self._reforb = dict() if text.lower() == 'zero': self._reforb['x'] = _np.zeros(len(self.BPM_NAMES), dtype=float) self._reforb['y'] = _np.zeros(len(self.BPM_NAMES), dtype=float) else: data = self.get_ref_orb(text) self._reforb['x'] = data['x'] self._reforb['y'] = data['y'] def _get_new_sum(self): self._summon = _np.array( self._get_values('SlowSumRaw-Mon'), dtype=float) text = 'Read at ' + _time.strftime( '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S\n', _time.localtime(_time.time())) self._label_getsts.setText(text)
[docs] def send_value(self): """Send new value.""" idxsel = list() for idx, wid in enumerate(self._bpm_sel.widgets): check = wid.findChild(QCheckBox) if check.isChecked(): idxsel.append(idx) check.setChecked(False) idxsel = _np.array(idxsel, dtype=int) if not idxsel.size: return if 'sum' in self.metric: sumintlk = self._summon * self.monitsum2intlksum_factor allvals = self.lim_pvs[self.lim_sp[0]].getvalue().astype(_np.int_) allvals[idxsel] = self._spin_scl.value() * sumintlk[idxsel] allvals[idxsel] = self.calc_intlk_metric( allvals, operation='min')[idxsel] values = [allvals, ] pvs = [self.hlprefix.substitute(propty=self.lim_sp[0]), ] else: pvs, values = list(), list() for lsp in self.lim_sp: if not self._checks[lsp].isChecked(): continue lval = self._spins[lsp].value() plan = 'y' if 'y' in lsp.lower() else 'x' metric = self.calc_intlk_metric( self._reforb[plan], metric=self.metric) allvals = self.lim_pvs[lsp].getvalue() allvals[idxsel] = _np.round(metric[idxsel] + lval) values.append(allvals) pvs.append(self.hlprefix.substitute(propty=lsp)) delays = [0.0, ] * len(pvs) self._items_success = list() self._items_fail = list() conn = EpicsConnector(pvs, parent=self) task_set = EpicsSetter(pvs, values, delays, parent=self) task_sleep = EpicsWait([None, ]*10, wait_time=2.0, parent=self) task_check = EpicsChecker(pvs, values, delays, parent=self) task_check.itemChecked.connect(self._check_status) dlg = ProgressDialog( ['Connecting...', 'Setting...', 'Waiting...', 'Checking...'], [conn, task_set, task_sleep, task_check], parent=self) ret = dlg.exec_() if ret == dlg.Rejected: return if self._items_fail: report = ReportDialog(self._items_fail, self) report.exec_() return
@Slot(str, bool) def _check_status(self, item, status): if status: self._items_success.append((item, True)) else: self._items_fail.append(item)
[docs] class MonitoredDevicesDialog(BaseObject, QDialog): """Monitored Devices Detail Dialog.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, prefix='', propty=''): """Init.""" BaseObject.__init__(self, prefix) QWidget.__init__(self, parent) title = 'Monitored Devices' self.setObjectName('SIApp') self.setWindowTitle(title) self._desc = QLabel('<h4>'+title+'</h4>') self._desc.setSizePolicy(QSzPlcy.Preferred, QSzPlcy.Maximum) self._label = SiriusLabel( self, self.hlprefix.substitute(propty=propty)) self._label.displayFormat = SiriusLabel.DisplayFormat.String scarea = QScrollArea(self) scarea.setStyleSheet( '.QScrollArea{min-height: 30em;}') scarea.setSizeAdjustPolicy(scarea.AdjustToContents) scarea.setWidgetResizable(True) scr_ar_wid = QWidget() scr_ar_wid.setObjectName('scrollarea') scr_ar_wid.setStyleSheet( '#scrollarea {background-color: transparent;}') gdl = QGridLayout(scr_ar_wid) gdl.addWidget(self._desc) gdl.addWidget(self._label) scarea.setWidget(scr_ar_wid) lay = QVBoxLayout(self) lay.addWidget(scarea)