Source code for siriushla.li_va_control.functions

""" Basic functions """
import math as _math
import qtawesome as _qta
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QLabel, QWidget, QGridLayout, \
    QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QPushButton, QSizePolicy, QGroupBox
from pydm.widgets.display_format import DisplayFormat as _DisplayFormat
from ..li_rf_llrf.chart import ChartWindow
from .. import util as _util
from ..widgets import SiriusLabel, PyDMLed, PyDMLedMultiChannel, \
    SiriusLineEdit, SiriusEnumComboBox, PyDMStateButton, SiriusLedAlert,\
    SiriusPushButton, SiriusScaleIndicator
from .util import COLORS, IPS_DETAILS, LEGEND
from .widgets import LedLegend, QGroupBoxButton, \

[docs] class BaseFunctionsInterface(): """ Export basic functions to the Vacuum windows """
[docs] def getLayout(self, orient="G"): """ Get Layout with correct orientation """ if orient == "G": return QGridLayout() elif orient == "H": return QHBoxLayout() return QVBoxLayout()
[docs] def getLayoutWidget(self, orient="G"): """ Get Widget with a layout inside """ wid = QWidget() lay = self.getLayout(orient) wid.setLayout(lay) return wid, lay
[docs] def getWidget(self, name, wid_type='button', keep_unit=False, precision=True): """ Build and configure widgets used """ pv_name = self.devpref + name if wid_type == 'led': if "ReadS.B4" in pv_name: led_type = 'alert' elif "GaugeSts" in pv_name: led_type = 'inconsistent' else: led_type = 'normal' widget = self.buildLed(pv_name, '', led_type) elif wid_type == 'enum': widget = SiriusEnumComboBox( self, init_channel=pv_name) widget.setStyleSheet("min-width:4em;max-height:1em;") elif wid_type == 'state': widget = PyDMStateButton( self, init_channel=pv_name) widget.setStyleSheet("min-height: 0.6em; min-width: 1.5em;") elif wid_type == 'button': widget = SiriusPushButton( self, init_channel=pv_name, label='RESET', pressValue=1, releaseValue=0) else: if wid_type == 'edit': widget = SiriusLineEdit( init_channel=pv_name) widget.precisionFromPV = False widget.precision = 2 widget.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.Maximum, QSizePolicy.Minimum) else: widget = SiriusLabel( init_channel=pv_name, keep_unit=keep_unit) if precision and pv_name[-1] != 's': widget.displayFormat = _DisplayFormat.Exponential widget.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) widget.setStyleSheet( "min-width:4em;max-width:5em;max-height:1em;") return widget
[docs] def getGroupTitle(self, cat, id_num): """ Get element simple name """ dev_id = id_num if cat == "Pump": name = "IPS" else: dev_number, dev_gen = self.buildIdsVac(id_num) if dev_gen == 3: dev_id = dev_number name = "PRG" else: dev_id = dev_number * 2 if dev_gen == 1: dev_id -= 1 name = "CCG" return name + self.buildIdName(dev_id, False)
[docs] def getSufixes(self, data): """ Format sufixes based on info type """ pv_suf = ["", ""] if isinstance(data, str): pv_suf[0] = data elif isinstance(data, list): pv_suf = data elif isinstance(data, dict) and 'title' in data: pv_suf = { 'status': data['status'], 'control': data['control'] } return pv_suf
[docs] def setupUnitView(self, pv_name, color="#00000000", min_width=3): """Create and format SiriusLabel""" widget = SiriusLabel( init_channel=pv_name, keep_unit=True) styled = """ min-height:0.75em;min-width: """+str(min_width)+"""em; max-height:0.75em;max-width: """+str(min_width*5)+"""em; background-color:"""+color+";" widget.setStyleSheet(styled) widget.showUnits = True widget.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) if any(x in pv_name for x in ["RdPrs", "ReadP"]) \ and pv_name[-1] != 's': widget.precisionFromPV = False widget.precision = 2 widget.displayFormat = _DisplayFormat.Exponential return widget
[docs] def setWindowBtn(self, cat, id_num): """ Create and configure button to open detail windows """ button = QPushButton(_qta.icon('fa5s.ellipsis-h'), '', self) if cat == 'Vacuum': id_num, lx = self.buildIdsVac(id_num) _util.connect_window( button, self.selWindow(cat), parent=self, id_num=id_num) button.setStyleSheet("margin: 0.1em;") return button
[docs] def buildLed(self, pv_name, sufix_list, comp): """ Build and configure different types of Led """ if comp == 'normal': if "Gauge" in pv_name: comp = 'diff' list_colors = None if ".B3" in sufix_list: list_colors = [COLORS['yellow'], COLORS['light_green']] led = PyDMLed( init_channel=pv_name + sufix_list, color_list=list_colors) elif comp == 'alert': led = SiriusLedAlert( self, init_channel=pv_name) elif comp == 'on/off': chan2vals = { pv_name + sufix_list[0]: 1, pv_name + sufix_list[1]: 0 } led = PyDMLedMultiChannel( self, chan2vals) else: if len(sufix_list)>1: chan2vals = { pv_name + sufix_list[0]: 1, pv_name + sufix_list[1]: 1 } else: chan2vals = { pv_name + sufix_list: 1 } led = PyDMLedMultiIncosistencyDetector( self, chan2vals) shape = getShape(comp) led.shape = shape if shape not in [1, 2]: shape -= 2 led.setStyleSheet( "min-width:"+str(shape)+"em; max-width:"+str(shape)+"em;") return led
[docs] def SPRBWidget(self, title, control, readback, wid_type, kp_unit=False, precision=True, sec_wid="label"): """ Build a setpoint and readback widget: title + setpoint + readback """ wid, lay = self.getLayoutWidget("H") lay.setContentsMargins(0, 1, 0, 1) if title != "": label = QLabel(title, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) label.setStyleSheet("min-width:5em;") lay.addWidget(label) lay.addWidget( self.getWidget(control, wid_type, kp_unit, precision), alignment=Qt.AlignRight) widget = self.getWidget(readback, sec_wid, kp_unit, precision) lay.addWidget( widget, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft) return wid
[docs] def getProgressBar(self, pv_name, limit, color=COLORS['purple']): """ Create and configure Progress Bar """ prog_bar = SiriusScaleIndicator( init_channel=pv_name) prog_bar.limitsFromChannel = False prog_bar.showLimits = False prog_bar.showValue = False prog_bar.barIndicator = True prog_bar.userLowerLimit = limit[0] prog_bar.userUpperLimit = limit[1] prog_bar.indicatorColor = color width = 6 if limit[1] == 200: width = 8 prog_bar.setStyleSheet('min-height:1em; min-width:'+str(width)+'em;') return prog_bar
[docs] def buildBasicGroup(self, cat, id_num, orient="V"): """ Build anc configure group template """ group = QGroupBoxButton( title=self.getGroupTitle(cat, id_num)) lay = self.getLayout(orient) lay.setSpacing(0) lay.setContentsMargins(0, 2, 0, 0) group.setLayout(lay) if orient == "H": lay.addWidget( self.setWindowBtn(cat, id_num), alignment=Qt.AlignLeft) else: group.setObjectName("group") group.setStyleSheet( "QGroupBox#group{background-color:"+COLORS['btn_bg']+"};") window = self.selWindow(cat) if cat == 'Vacuum': id_num, lx = self.buildIdsVac(id_num) windowConfig = window(self, id_num=id_num) _util.connect_window( group, window, parent=self, id_num=id_num, signal=group.clicked) return lay, group
[docs] def buildAllLegends(self, listleg=LEGEND): """ Display all the legends """ group = QGroupBox() lay = QHBoxLayout() group.setLayout(lay) group.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) col = 0 group.setTitle("LEGEND") for leg in listleg: if leg != 'size': lay.addWidget( self.setupLegend(leg), alignment=Qt.AlignTop) col += 1 return group
[docs] def setupLegend(self, legend): """ Show one of the legends present in the LEGEND variable in util""" wid, lay = self.getLayoutWidget() lay.addWidget( QLabel('<b>'+legend+'</b>'), 0, 0, 1, 2, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) row = 1 for item in LEGEND[legend]: column = 0 if 'color' in item: shape = getShape(legend) lay.addWidget( LedLegend( self, shape, item['color'].name()), row, column, 1, 1, alignment=Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) column = 1 lay.addWidget( QLabel(item['text']), row, column, 1, 1, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft) row += 1 return wid
[docs] def buildIdName(self, id_num, is_valve=False): """Format number in the PV name""" pv_id = "" if not is_valve: if id_num < 10: pv_id = "0" pv_id += str(id_num) return pv_id
[docs] def buildVacPv(self, id_num): """Generate VGC PV name with VGC id""" dev_number, dev_gen = self.buildIdsVac(id_num) pv_number = self.buildIdName(dev_number, False) return pv_number, dev_gen
[docs] def buildIdsVac(self, id_num): """Get VGC group and individual identity and with VGC id""" dev_number = _math.ceil(id_num / 3) dev_gen = id_num % 3 if not dev_gen: dev_gen = 3 return dev_number, dev_gen
[docs] def getVgcSPRB(self, data, pv_list, num, gen, sec_wid='led'): """ Use dict info to create a self.SPRBWidget """ pv_name = {} for data_type, name in pv_list.items(): pv_name[data_type] = num + name + str(gen) return self.SPRBWidget( data['title'], pv_name['control'], pv_name['status'], data['widget'], precision=(data['widget'] != 'enum'), sec_wid=sec_wid)
[docs] def getVgcLed(self, name, gen, suf_list): """ Select led type based on VGC identity """ if gen % 3 != 0: comp = 'equal' else: comp = 'normal' return self.buildLed(name, suf_list[gen % 3], comp)
[docs] def getSPTable(self, num, gen, data, show_title=False, alternative=False): """ Build and configure VGC SP table""" pos = [0, 0] wid, lay = self.getLayoutWidget() lay.setSpacing(0) lay.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) for title, obj_data in data.items(): if show_title: lay.addWidget( headerWidget(title, alternative), pos[0], pos[1], 1, 3, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) pos[0] += 1 for sp_gen in data["No."][gen % 3]: if title == "No.": text = '' if not alternative: text = str(sp_gen) widget = QLabel('<strong>'+text+'</strong>') widget.setStyleSheet("min-width: 2em;") widget.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) else: pv_suf = self.getSufixes(obj_data) if alternative: if title == "SP" and sp_gen in [2, 6, 10]: pv_suf = {'status': ':RdSH-', 'control': ':SetSH-'} sp_gen -= 1 if title == "SP-H" and sp_gen in [1, 5, 9]: pv_suf = {'status': ':RdSP-', 'control': ':SetSP-'} sp_gen += 1 widget = self.getVgcSPRB( obj_data, pv_suf, num, sp_gen, sec_wid='label') lay.addWidget( widget, pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) pos[0] += 1 pos[1] += 3 pos[0] = 0 return wid
[docs] def getSimplePvWidget(self, title, suf, num, gen): """ Get simple VGC widget """ pv_name = num + suf[0] if title in ["Pressure<br/>Readback", "Gauge<br/>Message"]: pv_name += str(gen) + suf[1] wid_type = "label" elif title == "Unit": wid_type = "enum" else: wid_type = "label" wid = self.getWidget(pv_name, wid_type) return wid
[docs] def getVacPosition(self, id_vgc, divide=True): """ Get VGC widget position on the VGC Lists """ pos = [0, 0] pos[0], pos[1] = self.buildIdsVac(id_vgc) if pos[1] == 3: if divide: pos[1] = 0 else: pos[0] += 10 else: pos[0] *= 2 if pos[1] == 1: pos[0] -= 1 if divide: pos[1] = 1 return pos
[docs] def buildIPSInfo(self, pv_name, lay, orient): """ Display IPS measurement information """ for info_type in ['voltage', 'current']: info = IPS_DETAILS["General"][info_type] name = pv_name + info["text"] if info_type == 'current' and orient == 'H': lay.addWidget( self.getProgressBar(name, [0, 200]), alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) wid = self.setupUnitView( name, info['color']) lay.addWidget( wid, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) return lay
[docs] def getShape(name): """ Get led shape number """ if any(x in name for x in ["PRG", "normal"]): shape = PyDMLed.ShapeMap.Circle elif any(x in name for x in ["CCG", "equal"]): shape = PyDMLed.ShapeMap.Square elif "on/off" in name: shape = PyDMLed.ShapeMap.Triangle else: shape = PyDMLed.ShapeMap.Round return shape
[docs] def headerWidget(title, alternative): """ Get SP Table Header Widget """ text = title if alternative: if title == "SP": text = "Warning" elif title == "SP-H": text = "Alarm" elif title == "No.": text = "" return QLabel('<strong>'+text+'</strong>')