Source code for siriushla.li_va_control.chart

""" CCG Chart Window """

from ..widgets import SiriusMainWindow, SiriusTimePlot
from .functions import BaseFunctionsInterface

[docs] class ChartWindow(SiriusMainWindow, BaseFunctionsInterface): """Show the Chart Window.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, prefix=''): """Init.""" super().__init__(parent) self.config = PVS_CONFIG["Vacuum"] self.prefix = prefix self.main_dev = self.config["prefix"] self.devpref = self.prefix + self.main_dev = VGC_DETAILS["Pressure<br/>Readback"] self.default_colors = [ COLORS["dark_green"], COLORS["red"], COLORS["blue"], COLORS["purple"], COLORS["light_green"], COLORS["yellow"], COLORS["cyan"], COLORS["gre_blu"], COLORS["black"], COLORS["orange"]] self.setObjectName('LIApp') self.setWindowTitle("CCG Charts") self._setupUi()
[docs] def setupGraph(self): """Create and configure Chart Widget""" graph = SiriusTimePlot(parent=self, background='w') graph.setYLabels(["Pressure"]) graph.showLegend = True graph.showXGrid = True graph.showYGrid = True graph.autoRangeY = True graph.timeSpan = 10*60 graph.bufferSize = graph.timeSpan*10 graph.setStyleSheet("min-width: 15em; min-height: 10em;") return graph
[docs] def addChannels(self, graph, id_num, color): """Add one channel(curve) to the chart""" name, gen = self.buildVacPv(id_num) pv_name = self.config['prefix'] graph.addYChannel( y_channel=pv_name, name=self.getGroupTitle("Vacuum", id_num), color=color, lineStyle=1, lineWidth=3, symbol='o', symbolSize=10, axis='left') return graph
[docs] def chartsMon(self, lay): """Display the three charts with their channels""" id_num = 1 for num in range(0, 3): graph = self.setupGraph() range_max = 3 if num == 1: range_max = 4 for id_temp in range(0, range_max): graph = self.addChannels( graph, id_num, self.default_colors.pop()) id_num += 1 if id_num % 3 == 0: id_num += 1 lay.addWidget(graph)
def _setupUi(self): """.""" wid, lay = self.getLayoutWidget("V") self.setCentralWidget(wid) lay.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) self.chartsMon(lay)