Source code for siriushla.li_rf_llrf.widgets

"""LI LLRF Custom Widgets."""

import numpy as np

from qtpy.QtGui import QColor
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QSize

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QGridLayout, \
    QWidget, QHBoxLayout
import qtawesome as _qta
from siriuspy.envars import VACA_PREFIX as _VACA_PREFIX

from .. import util as _util
from ..widgets import SiriusTimePlot, SiriusWaveformPlot, \
    SiriusConnectionSignal as _ConnSignal

[docs] class DeltaIQPhaseCorrButton(QPushButton): """.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, device=None, main_dev='', delta=0, show_label=True, prefix=''): """.""" label = str(abs(delta)) + '°' if show_label else '' icon_name = '' if np.sign(delta) == 1 else 'mdi.minus' icon = _qta.icon(icon_name) super().__init__(icon, label, parent) self.setIconSize(QSize(20, 20)) self.prefix = prefix self.main_dev = main_dev = device self.devpref = self.prefix + self.main_dev + device = delta self.setToolTip(f'Do {delta:.1f}° delta') self.setEnabled(False) self.ch_loop_enable = _ConnSignal( self.devpref + ':SET_FB_MODE') self.ch_loop_enable.new_value_signal[int].connect( self._handle_enable_state) self.ch_loop_enable.connection_state_signal.connect( self._handle_enable_state) self.ch_iqcorr_phase_ch1 = _ConnSignal( self.devpref + ':SET_CH1_PHASE_CORR') self.clicked.connect(self._do_delta) def _do_delta(self): if not self.isEnabled(): return if not self.ch_iqcorr_phase_ch1.connected: return curr_value = self.ch_iqcorr_phase_ch1.value new_value = curr_value + new_value = (new_value + 180) % 360 - 180 self.ch_iqcorr_phase_ch1.send_value_signal[float].emit(new_value) def _handle_enable_state(self): state = ( self.ch_loop_enable.connected and # is connected self.ch_loop_enable.value == 0) # is disabled self.setEnabled(state)
[docs] class GraphIvsQ(QWidget): """Show the I&Q Chart based on IxQ or Time""" def __init__( self, parent=None, dev=None, prop='Time', main_dev='', channel='CH1', prefix=''): """.""" super().__init__(parent=parent) self.prefix = prefix self.main_dev = main_dev = dev self.prop = prop = channel self._setupui() def _setupui(self): """.""" channels = {} lay1 = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(lay1) graph = SiriusWaveformPlot(self) graph.setObjectName('graph') graph.setStyleSheet('#graph {min-height: 15em; min-width: 20em;}') graph.maxRedrawRate = 2 graph.mouseEnabledX = True graph.setShowXGrid(True) graph.setShowYGrid(True) graph.setBackgroundColor(QColor(_util.get_appropriate_color('LI'))) graph.setShowLegend(True) graph.setAutoRangeX(False) graph.setAutoRangeY(False) graph.plotItem.showButtons() graph.setAxisColor(QColor(0, 0, 0)) axx = graph.plotItem.getAxis('right') axx.setVisible(True) axx.setTicks([]) axx.setWidth(0) axx = graph.plotItem.getAxis('top') axx.setVisible(True) axx.setTicks([]) axx.setHeight(0) basename = self.prefix + self.main_dev + if self.prop == 'IvsQ': chart_title = "I & Q Fasor" lblAxis = ["Q", "I"] channels = { 'Data': { 'X': basename + ':GET_' + + '_I', 'Y': basename + ':GET_' + + '_Q' }, 'Setpoint': { 'X': basename + ':GET_' + + '_SETTING_I', 'Y': basename + ':GET_' + + '_SETTING_Q' } } graph.setMinXRange(-1.0) graph.setMaxXRange(1.0) graph.setMinYRange(-1.0) graph.setMaxYRange(1.0) else: chart_title = "I & Q Waveform" lblAxis = ["I & Q", "Time"] channels = { 'Data': { 'X': None, 'Y': basename + ':WF_ADC' +[2] + '_I' }, 'Setpoint': { 'X': None, 'Y': basename + ':WF_ADC' +[2] + '_Q' } } graph.setYLabels([lblAxis[0]]) graph.setXLabels([lblAxis[1]]) graph.setPlotTitle(chart_title) opts = dict( y_channel=channels['Data']['Y'], x_channel=channels['Data']['X'], name='Data', color='red', redraw_mode=2, lineStyle=1, lineWidth=3, symbol='o', symbolSize=10) graph.addChannel(**opts) if ((self.prop != 'IvsQ') or ( == 'CH1')): opts = dict( y_channel=channels['Setpoint']['Y'], x_channel=channels['Setpoint']['X'], name='Setpoint', color='blue', redraw_mode=2, lineStyle=1, lineWidth=3, symbol='o', symbolSize=10) graph.addChannel(**opts) lay1.addWidget(graph, 0, 0)
[docs] class GraphTime(QWidget): """Show the graphs of Amplitude, Phase and Diff Data""" def __init__( self, parent=None, dev='', prop='Amp', main_dev='', channel='CH1', prefix=''): """.""" super().__init__(parent=parent) self.prefix = prefix self.main_dev = main_dev = dev self.prop = prop = channel self._setupui() def _setupui(self): """.""" chart_name = self.prop basename = self.prefix + self.main_dev + lay1 = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(lay1) graph = SiriusTimePlot(self) graph.setObjectName('graph') graph.setStyleSheet('#graph {min-height: 15em; min-width: 20em;}') graph.timeSpan = 120 # [s] graph.maxRedrawRate = 2 graph.setShowXGrid(True) graph.setShowYGrid(True) graph.setBackgroundColor(QColor(_util.get_appropriate_color('LI'))) graph.setShowLegend(True) graph.plotItem.showButtons() graph.setAxisColor(QColor(0, 0, 0)) graph.setXLabels(["Time"]) axx = graph.plotItem.getAxis('right') axx.setVisible(True) axx.setTicks([]) axx.setWidth(0) axx = graph.plotItem.getAxis('top') axx.setVisible(True) axx.setTicks([]) axx.setHeight(0) if self.prop == 'Amp': chart_name = 'Amplitude' chname = basename + ':GET_' + + '_AMP' elif self.prop == 'Pha': chart_name = 'Phase' chname = basename + ':GET_' + + '_PHASE' elif self.prop == 'Diff': chart_name = 'Phase Diff' chname = basename + ':GET_PHASE_DIFF' else: raise ValueError('channel not define for property '+self.prop) graph.setPlotTitle(chart_name) graph.setYLabels([chart_name]) opts = dict( y_channel=chname, name='Data', color='black', lineStyle=1, lineWidth=3, symbol='o', symbolSize=10) graph.addYChannel(**opts) lay1.addWidget(graph, 0, 0)
[docs] class GraphWave(QWidget): """Show the graphs of Pulse Amplitude, Pulse Phase and Raw Data.""" def __init__( self, parent=None, dev='', prop='Amp', main_dev='', channel='CH1', prefix=''): """.""" super().__init__(parent=parent) self.prefix = prefix self.main_dev = main_dev = dev self.prop = prop = channel self._setupui() def _setupui(self): """.""" chart_name = self.prop basename = self.prefix + self.main_dev + lay1 = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(lay1) graph = SiriusWaveformPlot(self) graph.setObjectName('graph') graph.setStyleSheet('#graph {min-height: 15em; min-width: 20em;}') graph.maxRedrawRate = 2 graph.setShowXGrid(True) graph.setShowYGrid(True) graph.setBackgroundColor(QColor(_util.get_appropriate_color('LI'))) graph.setShowLegend(True) graph.plotItem.showButtons() graph.setAxisColor(QColor(0, 0, 0)) graph.setXLabels(["Time"]) axx = graph.plotItem.getAxis('right') axx.setVisible(True) axx.setTicks([]) axx.setWidth(0) axx = graph.plotItem.getAxis('top') axx.setVisible(True) axx.setTicks([]) axx.setHeight(0) if self.prop == 'PAmp': chart_name = 'Amplitude Waveform' chname = basename + ':WF_' + + 'AMP' elif self.prop == 'PPha': chart_name = 'Phase Waveform' chname = basename + ':WF_' + + 'PHASE' elif self.prop == 'Raw': chart_name = 'Raw Data' chname = basename + ':WF_ADC9' else: raise ValueError('channel not define for property '+self.prop) graph.setPlotTitle(chart_name) graph.setYLabels([chart_name]) opts = dict( y_channel=chname, name='Data', color='black', lineStyle=1, lineWidth=3, symbol='o', symbolSize=10) graph.addChannel(**opts) lay1.addWidget(graph, 0, 0)