Source code for siriushla.li_rf_llrf.motor_control

"""LI LLRF Motor Control Windows."""

from qtpy.QtCore import Qt
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QGridLayout, QHBoxLayout, QWidget, QLabel
from pydm.widgets import PyDMLineEdit
from ..widgets import SiriusLabel, SiriusMainWindow, PyDMLedMultiChannel, \
    SiriusPushButton, PyDMStateButton, SiriusSpinbox
from .util import MOTOR_CONTROL

[docs] class MotorControlWindow(SiriusMainWindow): """Motor Control Window of the SHB and HPPS.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, motor_type="SHB"): """Init.""" super().__init__(parent) self.main_dev = 'LA-RF:LLRF:' self.motor_type = motor_type self.setObjectName('LIApp') self.setWindowTitle(motor_type + ' Control') self.setMaximumHeight(250) self.setMinimumHeight(175) self._setupUi()
[docs] def buildLed(self, pv_name=''): """Build a led widget""" config = 0 if "ST" in pv_name: config = 1 ch2vals = { pv_name: config} led = PyDMLedMultiChannel(self) led.set_channels2values(ch2vals) return led
[docs] def getWidget(self, wid_type='', pv_name=''): """Get the selected widget""" if wid_type == 'led': widget = self.buildLed(pv_name) elif wid_type == 'button': widget = SiriusPushButton( label="Enable", init_channel=pv_name, pressValue=1, releaseValue=0) elif wid_type == 'label': widget = SiriusLabel( init_channel=pv_name) widget.showUnits = True elif wid_type == 'spinBox': widget = SiriusSpinbox( init_channel=pv_name) elif wid_type == 'state': widget = PyDMStateButton( init_channel=pv_name) else: widget = PyDMLineEdit( init_channel=pv_name) return widget
[docs] def ledBox(self, main_title='', data=None, basename=''): """Show all the leds PVs of a dict""" lb_glay = QGridLayout() pos = [0, 0] lb_glay.addWidget( QLabel(main_title), pos[0], pos[1], 1, 2, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) for title, name in data.items(): pos[0] += 1 lb_glay.addWidget( QLabel(title), pos[0], pos[1], alignment=Qt.AlignRight) lb_glay.addWidget( self.getWidget('led', basename + name), pos[0], pos[1] + 1, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft) return lb_glay, pos
[docs] def infoBox(self, title='', pv_name=''): """Show general control information (Besides the leds)""" ib_hlay = QHBoxLayout() if title == "Up to Limit" and self.motor_type == "HPPS": title = "Up to Zero" ib_hlay.addWidget( QLabel(title), alignment=Qt.AlignRight) if "Up to" in title: wid_type = 'button' else: wid_type = 'label' ib_hlay.addWidget( self.getWidget(wid_type, pv_name), alignment=Qt.AlignLeft) return ib_hlay
[docs] def rbvBox(self): """Show a RBV Widget""" rbv_hlay = QHBoxLayout() basename = self.main_dev + "KLY1" rbv_hlay.addWidget( QLabel("Phase"), alignment=Qt.AlignRight) for pv_name in MOTOR_CONTROL[self.motor_type]: wid_type = 'label' align = Qt.AlignLeft if 'SET' in pv_name: wid_type = 'spinBox' align = Qt.AlignCenter widget = self.getWidget( wid_type, basename + pv_name) rbv_hlay.addWidget( widget, alignment=align) return rbv_hlay
[docs] def pidBox(self): """Show the PID control widgets""" pb_glay = QGridLayout() pos = [0, 0] for title, pv_name in MOTOR_CONTROL["SHB"].items(): if pv_name == ":FL": basedev = "SHB" else: basedev = "BUN1" pb_glay.addWidget( QLabel(title), pos[0], pos[1], alignment=Qt.AlignRight) pos[1] += 1 if "PID" in title: wid_type = 'state' elif "K" in title: wid_type = 'label' else: wid_type = 'edit' pb_glay.addWidget( self.getWidget( wid_type, self.main_dev + basedev + pv_name), pos[0], pos[1], alignment=Qt.AlignLeft) pos[1] += 1 if pos[1] >= 4: pos[1] = 0 pos[0] += 1 return pb_glay
[docs] def basicData(self, pos=None, lay=None): """Show all the general control information""" basename = self.main_dev + self.motor_type max_row = pos[0] + 2 for title, data in MOTOR_CONTROL["General"].items(): if title in ["Status", "Limits"]: lb_glay, pos_temp = self.ledBox(title, data, basename) pos[0] += pos_temp[0] pos[1] += pos_temp[1] lay.addLayout( lb_glay, pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1, alignment=Qt.AlignTop) else: lay.addLayout( self.infoBox(title, basename + data), pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) pos[0] += 1 if pos[0] >= max_row: pos[0] = 1 pos[1] += 1 return pos
def _setupUi(self): """Show the selected Control Window""" wid = QWidget(self) self.setCentralWidget(wid) lay = QGridLayout() wid.setLayout(lay) pos = [0, 0] if self.motor_type == 'HPPS': widget = self.rbvBox() if self.motor_type == 'SHB': widget = self.pidBox() lay.addLayout( widget, pos[0], pos[1], 1, 2) pos[0] += 1 pos = self.basicData(pos, lay)