Source code for siriushla.li_rf_llrf.chart

"""LI LLRF Chart Window."""

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QGridLayout, QWidget
from ..widgets import SiriusMainWindow
from .widgets import GraphTime, GraphIvsQ, GraphWave

[docs] class ChartWindow(SiriusMainWindow): """Show the Chart Window.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, dev='', channel='', chart_type="Forward", prefix=''): """Init.""" super().__init__(parent) self.prefix = prefix self.main_dev = 'LA-RF:LLRF:' self.device = dev self.devpref = self.prefix + self.main_dev = channel self.chart_type = chart_type self.setObjectName('LIApp') if channel != '': self.setWindowTitle( self.device + " " + + " " + chart_type + ' Chart') else: self.setWindowTitle(chart_type + ' Chart') self._setupUi()
[docs] def chartsIQAmpPha(self, lay): """Show the 4 basic charts""" """These being: I&Q, based on time and IxQ, Amplitude and Phase""" iqtime = GraphIvsQ( self, self.device, 'Time', self.devpref,, prefix=self.prefix) ivsq = GraphIvsQ( self, self.device, 'IvsQ', self.devpref,, prefix=self.prefix) amp = GraphTime( self, self.device, 'Amp', self.devpref,, prefix=self.prefix) pha = GraphTime( self, self.device, 'Pha', self.devpref,, prefix=self.prefix) lay.addWidget(iqtime, 0, 0) lay.addWidget(ivsq, 1, 0) lay.addWidget(amp, 0, 1) lay.addWidget(pha, 1, 1)
[docs] def chartsPulseAmpPha(self, lay): """Show the pulse charts of Amplitude and Phase""" amp = GraphWave( self, self.device, 'PAmp', self.devpref,, prefix=self.prefix) pha = GraphWave( self, self.device, 'PPha', self.devpref,, prefix=self.prefix) lay.addWidget(amp, 0, 2) lay.addWidget(pha, 1, 2)
def _setupUi(self): """Display the selected chart type.""" wid = QWidget(self) self.setCentralWidget(wid) lay = QGridLayout() lay.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) wid.setLayout(lay) if self.chart_type in ["Reference", "VM"]: self.chartsIQAmpPha(lay) elif self.chart_type in ["Pick-Up", "Forward"]: self.chartsIQAmpPha(lay) self.chartsPulseAmpPha(lay) elif self.chart_type == 'Diff': lay.addWidget( GraphTime(self, self.device, 'Diff', self.devpref, prefix=self.prefix)) else: lay.addWidget( GraphWave(self, self.device, 'Raw', self.devpref, prefix=self.prefix))
[docs] class ChartMon(QWidget): """Show the Chart Window.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, dev='', prefix=''): """Init.""" super().__init__(parent) self.prefix = prefix self.main_dev = 'LA-RF:LLRF:' self.device = dev self.devpref = self.prefix + self.main_dev = 'CH1' self.setObjectName('LIApp') self._setupUi()
[docs] def chartsMon(self, lay): ivsq = GraphIvsQ( self, self.device, 'IvsQ', self.devpref,, prefix=self.prefix) amp = GraphTime( self, self.device, 'Amp', self.devpref,, prefix=self.prefix) pha = GraphTime( self, self.device, 'Pha', self.devpref,, prefix=self.prefix) lay.addWidget(ivsq, 0, 0) lay.addWidget(amp, 0, 2) lay.addWidget(pha, 0, 4)
def _setupUi(self): """Display the selected chart type.""" lay = QGridLayout() lay.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(lay) self.chartsMon(lay)