Source code for siriushla.li_di_bpms.bpm_main

''' Diagnostic Interface of the LINAC's BPM'''
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QGroupBox, QVBoxLayout, QTabWidget, \
    QWidget, QLabel, QGridLayout
import qtawesome as qta
from pydm.widgets import enum_button, PyDMEnumComboBox

from ..util import get_appropriate_color
from ..widgets import SiriusMainWindow, SiriusLedState, SiriusLabel, \
from ..as_di_bpms.base import GraphWave

[docs] class DigBeamPosProc(SiriusMainWindow): ''' Class Digital Beam Position Processor ''' def __init__(self, device_name, prefix='', parent=None): '''Contain all the graphic interface data''' super().__init__(parent) self.device_name = device_name self.prefix = prefix + ('-' if prefix else '') color = get_appropriate_color('LI') self.setWindowIcon(qta.icon('mdi.currency-sign', color=color)) self.setObjectName('LIApp') self.setWindowTitle(self.device_name) self.header = { "Trigger": "TRIGGER_STATUS", "IOC": "HEART_BEAT" } self.graph_all_data = { "ADC Raw Waveform": { "title": "ADC", "labelX": "Waveform Index", "unitX": "", "labelY": "ADC Value", "unitY": "count", "channels": { "CH1": { "path": "CH1_ADX_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntA", "color": "#0000FF" }, "CH2": { "path": "CH2_ADX_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntB", "color": "#FF0000" }, "CH3": { "path": "CH3_ADX_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntC", "color": "#008800" }, "CH4": { "path": "CH4_ADX_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntD", "color": "#FF00FF" } } }, "Hilbert": { "Amplitude": { "title": "Amplitude", "labelX": "Waveform Index", "unitX": "", "labelY": "Amplitude Value", "unitY": "count", "channels": { "CH1": { "path": "CH1_HIB_AMP_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntA", "color": "#0000FF" }, "CH2": { "path": "CH2_HIB_AMP_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntB", "color": "#FF0000" }, "CH3": { "path": "CH3_HIB_AMP_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntC", "color": "#008800" }, "CH4": { "path": "CH4_HIB_AMP_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntD", "color": "#FF00FF" } } }, "Phase": { "title": "Phase", "labelX": "Waveform Index", "unitX": "", "labelY": "Phase Value", "unitY": "count", "channels": { "CH1": { "path": "CH1_HIB_PH_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntA", "color": "#0000FF" }, "CH2": { "path": "CH2_HIB_PH_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntB", "color": "#FF0000" }, "CH3": { "path": "CH3_HIB_PH_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntC", "color": "#008800" }, "CH4": { "path": "CH4_HIB_PH_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntD", "color": "#FF00FF" } } } }, "FFT": { "Amplitude": { "title": "Amplitude", "labelX": "Waveform Index", "unitX": "", "labelY": "Amplitude Value", "unitY": "count", "channels": { "CH1": { "path": "CH1_FFT_AMP_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntA", "color": "#0000FF" }, "CH2": { "path": "CH2_FFT_AMP_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntB", "color": "#FF0000" }, "CH3": { "path": "CH3_FFT_AMP_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntC", "color": "#008800" }, "CH4": { "path": "CH4_FFT_AMP_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntD", "color": "#FF00FF" } } }, "Phase": { "title": "Phase", "labelX": "Waveform Index", "unitX": "", "labelY": "Phase Value", "unitY": "count", "channels": { "CH1": { "path": "CH1_FFT_PH_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntA", "color": "#0000FF" }, "CH2": { "path": "CH2_FFT_PH_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntB", "color": "#FF0000" }, "CH3": { "path": "CH3_FFT_PH_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntC", "color": "#008800" }, "CH4": { "path": "CH4_FFT_PH_WAVEFORM", "name": "AntD", "color": "#FF00FF" } } } } } self.bpm_main_data = { "Max ADC": { "A": "CH1_MAXADC", "B": "CH2_MAXADC", "C": "CH3_MAXADC", "D": "CH4_MAXADC" }, "Position": { "X": "POS_X", "Y": "POS_Y", "S": "POS_S" }, "V": { "A": "POS_VA", "B": "POS_VB", "C": "POS_VC", "D": "POS_VD" }, "Trigger Cnt": "TRIGGER_CNT", "Cycle": "ACQ_TIME_USED", "FFT": { "Center": "FFT_CENTER", "Width": "FFT_WIDTH" }, "Hilbert": { "Center": "HIB_CENTER", "Width": "HIB_WIDTH" }, "Gain": { "X": "POS_KX", "Y": "POS_KY", "S": "POS_KS" }, "Offset": { "X": "POS_OX", "Y": "POS_OY" } } self.bpm_sec_data = { "Attenuator": "FE_ATTEN_SP", "ADC Threshold": "ADC_THD", "Orientation": "BPM_STRIP" } self.selectors_data = { "Trigger Mode": "ACQ_TRIGGER", "Position Algorithm": "POS_ALG" } self._setupUi() def _setupUi(self): '''Build the graphic interface''' wid = QWidget(self) if_glay = QGridLayout() if_glay.addLayout(self.display_header(), 0, 0, 1, 3) if_glay.addLayout(self.display_graph(), 1, 0, 2, 1) if_glay.addLayout(self.display_mainData(), 1, 1, 1, 1) if_glay.addLayout(self.display_selectors(), 1, 2, 1, 1) if_glay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) if_glay.setColumnStretch(0, 10) wid.setLayout(if_glay) self.setCentralWidget(wid)
[docs] def display_header(self): '''Display the header of the interface''' hd_glay = QGridLayout() title_lb = QLabel('<h2>' + self.device_name + ' - POSITION MONITOR </h2>', self) title_lb.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) hd_glay.addWidget(title_lb, 0, 2, 2, 1) countx = 0 for led_lb, led_channel in self.header.items(): trig_led = SiriusLedState( init_channel=self.prefix + self.device_name + ':' + led_channel) trig_led.setFixedSize(30, 30) hd_glay.addWidget(trig_led, 0, countx, 1, 1) trig_lb = QLabel(led_lb) trig_lb.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) hd_glay.addWidget(trig_lb, 1, countx, 1, 1) countx += 1 hd_glay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) return hd_glay
[docs] def createGraph(self, graph_data): '''Build a graph widget''' graph_plot = GraphWave() graph_plot.graph.title = graph_data.get("title") graph_plot.setLabel( 'left', text=graph_data.get("labelY"), units=graph_data.get("unitY")) graph_plot.setLabel( 'bottom', text=graph_data.get("labelX"), units=graph_data.get("unitX")) for channel in graph_data.get("channels"): channel_data = graph_data.get("channels").get(channel) graph_plot.addChannel( y_channel=self.prefix + self.device_name + ':' + channel_data.get('path'), name=channel_data.get('name'), color=channel_data.get('color'), lineWidth=1) graph_plot.setMinimumWidth(600) graph_plot.setMinimumHeight(250) return graph_plot
[docs] def display_graph(self): '''Display the graph tabs and all their contents''' gp_vlay = QVBoxLayout() tab = QTabWidget() tab.setObjectName("LITab") for graph_name in self.graph_all_data: tablay = QVBoxLayout() tab_content = QWidget() graph_item = self.graph_all_data.get(graph_name) if len(graph_item.items()) != 2: tablay.addWidget(self.createGraph(graph_item), 10) tab_content.setLayout(tablay) else: for data in graph_item: tablay.addWidget( self.createGraph(graph_item.get(data)), 10) tab_content.setLayout(tablay) tab.addTab(tab_content, graph_name) gp_vlay.addWidget(tab) return gp_vlay
[docs] def dataItem(self, channel, style): '''Get data channel info''' if style == 0: channel_info = SiriusLabel( parent=self, init_channel=self.prefix + self.device_name + ':' + channel) elif style in [1, 2, 4]: channel_info = SiriusSpinbox( parent=self, init_channel=self.prefix + self.device_name + ':' + channel) else: channel_info = QLabel("Error", self) return channel_info
[docs] def display_data(self, title, info, pos_x, pos_y, style): '''Build a data widget''' glay = QGridLayout() group = QGroupBox() countx = 0 county = 0 if style == 0: for text, channel in info.items(): text_lb = QLabel(text, self) glay.addWidget(text_lb, countx, county) channel_lb = self.dataItem(channel, pos_y) channel_lb.showUnits = True glay.addWidget(channel_lb, countx, county+1) countx += 1 else: channel_lb = self.dataItem(info, pos_y) channel_lb.showUnits = True glay.addWidget(channel_lb, pos_x, pos_y) glay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) group.setTitle(title) group.setLayout(glay) return group
[docs] def display_mainData(self): '''Display all main data widgets''' countx = 0 county = 0 md_glay = QGridLayout() for title, info in self.bpm_main_data.items(): if title in ["Trigger Cnt", "Cycle"]: md_glay.addWidget( self.display_data( title, info, countx, county, 1), countx, county, 1, 1) countx += 1 else: md_glay.addWidget( self.display_data( title, info, countx, county, 0), countx, county, 2, 1) countx += 2 if countx > 7: countx = 0 county += 2 md_glay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) return md_glay
[docs] def display_secData(self): '''Build the secondary data widget''' group = QGroupBox() sc_glay = QGridLayout() countx = 0 for text, channel in self.bpm_sec_data.items(): if text != "Orientation": text_lb = QLabel(text, self) sc_glay.addWidget(text_lb, countx, 0, 1, 1) channel_lb = self.dataItem(channel, 1) channel_lb.showUnits = True sc_glay.addWidget(channel_lb, countx, 1, 1, 1) else: text_lb = QLabel(text, self) text_lb.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) sc_glay.addWidget(text_lb, countx, 0, 1, 2) selection = PyDMEnumComboBox( init_channel=self.prefix + self.device_name+":"+channel) sc_glay.addWidget(selection, countx+1, 0, 1, 2) countx += 1 sc_glay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) group.setLayout(sc_glay) return group
[docs] def selectionItem(self, title, channel, orientation): '''Build a selection widget''' group = QGroupBox() lay = QVBoxLayout() selector = enum_button.PyDMEnumButton( init_channel=self.prefix + self.device_name+":"+channel) selector.widgetType = 0 selector.orientation = orientation lay.addWidget(selector, 0) group.setLayout(lay) group.setTitle(title) return group
[docs] def display_selectors(self): '''Display the selector and the secondary data''' sl_vlay = QVBoxLayout() for title, channel in self.selectors_data.items(): sl_vlay.addWidget( self.selectionItem(title, channel, 2), 1) sl_vlay.addWidget(self.display_secData(), 0) return sl_vlay