Source code for siriushla.li_ap_mps.main

''' Monitor Protection System Controller Interface '''
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QEvent
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget, QGroupBox, QHBoxLayout, \
    QGridLayout, QLabel, QTabWidget, QPushButton
import qtawesome as qta

from .util import PV_MPS, MPS_PREFIX, CTRL_TYPE, GROUP_POS, \
from ..util import get_appropriate_color
from ..widgets import PyDMLedMultiChannel, PyDMLed, SiriusLabel, \
    SiriusPushButton, SiriusSpinbox
from .bypass_btn import BypassBtn

[docs] class MPSControl(QWidget): ''' Monitor Protection System Controller Interface ''' def __init__(self, parent=None, prefix=''): '''Contain all the graphic interface data''' super().__init__(parent) self.prefix = prefix + ('-' if prefix else '') self.pv_obj = {} self.led_clicked = False self.all_clicked = False self.stop = False color = get_appropriate_color('LI') self.setObjectName('LIApp') self.setWindowIcon(qta.icon('mdi.monitor-dashboard', color=color)) self.setWindowTitle('LI MPS Controls') self._setupUi()
[docs] def eventFilter(self, obj_wid, event): ''' Hover listener with hover function''' obj = self.pv_obj.get(obj_wid) if event.type() == QEvent.Leave: if self.led_clicked: self.controlHiddenBox( obj.get("name"), obj.get("layout"), obj.get("config")) self.stop = False return False
[docs] def getDeviceName(self, pv_name): ''' Set device name ''' if 'LA-RF:LLRF:KLY' in pv_name: device_name = '' else: device_name = MPS_PREFIX return device_name
[docs] def getCtrlWidget(self, pv_name, ctrl_type, config): '''Display the specific control widget''' device_name = self.getDeviceName(pv_name) if ctrl_type in ['_I', '_L', '']: ch2vals = { device_name + pv_name + ctrl_type: config} widget = PyDMLedMultiChannel(self) widget.set_channels2values(ch2vals) if pv_name == 'HeartBeat': widget.setOffColor(PyDMLed.Yellow) elif ctrl_type == '_B': widget = BypassBtn( self, init_channel=device_name + pv_name + ctrl_type) elif ctrl_type == '_R': widget = SiriusPushButton( self, init_channel=device_name + pv_name + ctrl_type, label='Reset', pressValue=1, releaseValue=0) widget.setStyleSheet(''' min-width: 3.2em; max-width: 4.2em; min-height: 1.29em; max-height: 1.29em; ''') return widget
[docs] def statusBox(self, pv_name, config): ''' Display the status widget''' sb_hlay = QHBoxLayout() sb_hlay.addWidget( self.getCtrlWidget(pv_name, '', config), 1) return sb_hlay
[docs] def getTempWidget(self, pv_name, temp_type): ''' Display the temperature label widget ''' device_name = self.getDeviceName(pv_name) if temp_type == 'Thrd': widget = SiriusSpinbox( parent=self, init_channel=device_name + pv_name + temp_type ) else: widget = SiriusLabel( parent=self, init_channel=device_name + pv_name + temp_type ) widget.showUnits = True return widget
[docs] def clearLayout(self, lay): '''Erase the layout's content''' while lay.count(): child = lay.takeAt(0) if child.widget(): child.widget().deleteLater() return lay
[docs] def controlHiddenBox(self, pv_name, cb_glay, config): '''Display the status of the PV - Hidden control Box''' if cb_glay == '': cb_glay = QGridLayout() else: cb_glay = self.clearLayout(cb_glay) widget = self.getCtrlWidget(pv_name, '_L', config) widget.clicked.connect( lambda: self.controlBox(pv_name, cb_glay, config, True, 0)) cb_glay.addWidget(widget, 1, 0, 1, 1) return cb_glay
[docs] def controlBox(self, pv_name, lay, config, has_title, wid_type): ''' Display the control features - Open control Box''' if lay != '': lay = self.clearLayout(lay) else: lay = QGridLayout() pos = [0, 0] self.led_clicked = True for control_name in CTRL_TYPE: if self.getParamAll(has_title, pv_name, wid_type): lb_title = QLabel(control_name) lb_title.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) lay.addWidget(lb_title, pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1) ctrl_widget = self.getCtrlWidget( pv_name, CTRL_TYPE.get(control_name), config) lay.addWidget(ctrl_widget, pos[0]+1, pos[1], 1, 1) pos[1] += 1 return lay
[docs] def controlWidget(self, pv_name, lay, config): '''Create the control widget with opening and closing functions''' '''Default - closed''' widget = QWidget() hlay = QHBoxLayout() if 'WFS' in pv_name: hlay.addWidget( self.setPvLbl(pv_name)) control_layout = self.controlHiddenBox(pv_name, lay, config) widget.setLayout(control_layout) self.pv_obj.update( {widget: { "name": pv_name, "layout": control_layout, "config": config }}) widget.installEventFilter(self) widget.setObjectName('Container') widget.setStyleSheet(''' #Container::hover{ background-color: #ff8b98; border-radius: 1em; } ''') hlay.addWidget(widget) return hlay
[docs] def gateValve(self, pv_name, config): ''' Display the gate valves widget ''' device_name = self.getDeviceName(pv_name) if 'U' in pv_name: if 'Open' in pv_name: name = 'Open' else: name = 'Close' pb_lay = QHBoxLayout() widget = SiriusPushButton( self, init_channel=device_name + pv_name, label=name, pressValue=1, releaseValue=0) widget.setStyleSheet(''' min-width: 3.2em; max-width: 4.2em; min-height: 1.29em; max-height: 1.29em; ''') pb_lay.addWidget(widget) return pb_lay else: return self.statusBox(pv_name, config)
[docs] def tempMonBox(self, pv_name): ''' Display the status features for the temperature monitor''' lay = QHBoxLayout() for temp_name in TEMP_TYPE: ctrl_widget = self.getTempWidget( pv_name, TEMP_TYPE.get(temp_name)) lay.addWidget(ctrl_widget, 1) ctrl_widget.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) return lay
[docs] def genStringTempPV(self, name, prefix_num, name_num): ''' Generate Temperature PV name ''' return name + str(prefix_num) + 'Temp' + str(name_num)
[docs] def getPVConfig(self, config, index): ''' Get if the PV has configuration 1 or 0''' if isinstance(config, list): return config[index] return config
[docs] def getPVControl(self, is_control, index): ''' Get if the PV is a control or a status''' if isinstance(is_control, list): return is_control[index] return is_control
[docs] def countGen(self, count, val): ''' Counter for water data positioning ''' if count[1] >= val: count[0] += 1 count[1] = 1 else: count[1] += 1 return count
[docs] def countVA(self, count): ''' Counter for vaccum data positioning ''' if count in [ [2, 3], [3, 3], [6, 3], [11, 3], [12, 3] ]: count[1] += 1 if count in [ [4, 1], [5, 1], [8, 1], [10, 1], [13, 1], [15, 1] ]: count[1] += 3 count = self.countGen(count, 4) return count
[docs] def countWater(self, count): if count in [ [2, 5], [3, 5] ]: count[1] += 3 count = self.countGen(count, 6) return count
[docs] def countTemp(self, count, title): ''' Counter for temperature data positioning ''' if title == 'Water Temperature': orient = [1, 0, 6] else: orient = [0, 1, 2] if count[orient[1]] >= orient[2]: count[orient[0]] += 1 count[orient[1]] = 1 else: count[orient[1]] += 1 return count
[docs] def updateCount(self, count, title): ''' Update counter for data positioning ''' if title == 'Klystrons': count = self.countGen(count, 4) elif title == 'Water': count = self.countWater(count) elif title == 'Modulator': count = self.countGen(count, 2) elif title == 'Gate Valve': count = self.countGen(count, 5) elif title in ['Temperature', 'Water Temperature']: self.countTemp(count, title) elif title == 'VA': count = self.countVA(count) else: count = self.countGen(count, 1) return count
[docs] def setTitleLabel(self, item, axis, layout): ''' Display title labels ''' pos = [0, 0] for pos[axis] in range(1, len(item)+1): lbl_header = QLabel('<h4>'+item[pos[axis]-1]+'</h4>') lbl_header.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) layout.addWidget(lbl_header, pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1) if axis == 0: lbl_header.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel{min-width:6em; max-width:6em;}') return layout
[docs] def setPvLbl(self, pv_name): ''' Display the water title label''' lbl_pv = LBL_WATER.get(pv_name) lbl_title_wid = QLabel(lbl_pv) lbl_title_wid.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) return lbl_title_wid
[docs] def setParamLabel(self, layout): ''' Display Temperature parameters labels ''' pos = 0 for _ in range(0, 2): for item in TEMP_TYPE: lbl_param = QLabel(item) lbl_param.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) layout.addWidget(lbl_param, 1, pos, 1, 1) pos += 1 return layout
[docs] def setTempHeader(self, item_list, layout): ''' Display Temperature header labels ''' widget = QWidget() hd_glay = QGridLayout() pos = 0 for item in item_list: lbl_header = QLabel('<h4>'+item+'</h4>') lbl_header.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) hd_glay.addWidget(lbl_header, 0, pos, 1, 3) pos += 3 hd_glay = self.setParamLabel(hd_glay) hd_glay.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) widget.setLayout(hd_glay) layout.addWidget(widget, 0, 1, 1, 6) return layout
[docs] def getSingleTitle(self, title, layout): ''' Display a single Title ''' if title in LBL_MPS: lbl_item = LBL_MPS.get(title) layout = self.setTitleLabel(lbl_item[0], 0, layout) if title not in ['Water Temperature', 'Temperature']: layout = self.setTitleLabel(lbl_item[1], 1, layout) else: layout = self.setTempHeader(lbl_item[1], layout) return layout
[docs] def getParamAll(self, has_title, pv_name, wid_type): if wid_type == 0 or pv_name in LBL_ALL: return has_title return False
[docs] def dispayHiddenControls(self, pv_name, control, config): if control: return self.controlWidget( pv_name, '', config) return self.statusBox(pv_name, config)
[docs] def dispayAllControls(self, pv_name, control, config): if control: widget = QWidget() hlay = QHBoxLayout() if 'WFS' in pv_name: hlay.addWidget( self.setPvLbl(pv_name)) control_layout = self.controlBox(pv_name, '', config, control, 1) widget.setLayout(control_layout) hlay.addWidget(widget) return hlay else: return self.statusBox(pv_name, config)
[docs] def displayGroup(self, pv_data, title, group_type): ''' Display one MPS group ''' dg_glay = QGridLayout() group = QGroupBox() count = [1, 1] dg_glay = self.getSingleTitle(title, dg_glay) index = 0 for pv_name in pv_data.get('name'): if title != 'Gate Valve': if group_type == 0: dg_glay.addLayout( self.dispayHiddenControls( pv_name, self.getPVControl(pv_data.get('control'), index), self.getPVConfig(pv_data.get('config'), index)), count[0], count[1], 1, 1) else: dg_glay.addLayout( self.dispayAllControls( pv_name, self.getPVControl(pv_data.get('control'), index), self.getPVConfig(pv_data.get('config'), index)), count[0], count[1], 1, 1) else: dg_glay.addLayout( self.gateValve(pv_name, self.getPVConfig(pv_data.get('config'), index)), count[0], count[1], 1, 1) count = self.updateCount(count, title) index += 1 group.setTitle(title) group.setLayout(dg_glay) return group
[docs] def displayTempGroup(self, pv_data, title): ''' Display one temperature group''' dtg_glay = QGridLayout() dtg_glay.setHorizontalSpacing(0) group = QGroupBox() count = [1, 1] dtg_glay = self.getSingleTitle(title, dtg_glay) for counter_prefix in range(1, pv_data[0][0]+1): for counter_name in range(1, pv_data[0][1]+1): pv_name = self.genStringTempPV( pv_data[1], counter_prefix, counter_name) dtg_glay.addLayout( self.tempMonBox(pv_name), count[0], count[1], 1, 1) count = self.updateCount(count, title) group.setTitle(title) group.setLayout(dtg_glay) return group
[docs] def displayMpsGroups(self, group_type): ''' Display all the MPS groups''' mp_glay = QGridLayout() for group in PV_MPS: pv_data = PV_MPS.get(group) if group_type == 0: group_pos = GROUP_POS.get(group) else: group_pos = GROUP_POSALL.get(group) mp_glay.addWidget( self.displayGroup(pv_data, group, group_type), group_pos[0], group_pos[1], group_pos[2], group_pos[3]) return mp_glay
[docs] def displayTempGroups(self): ''' Display all the temperatures groups''' dt_glay = QGridLayout() for group in PV_TEMP_MPS: pv_data = PV_TEMP_MPS.get(group) group_pos = GROUP_POS.get(group) dt_glay.addWidget( self.displayTempGroup(pv_data, group), group_pos[0], group_pos[1], group_pos[2], group_pos[3]) return dt_glay
[docs] def displayControlMPS(self, tab_type): ''' Display the desired tab widget ''' wid = QWidget(self) if_glay = QGridLayout() if tab_type != 0: if_glay.addLayout(self.displayTempGroups(), 0, 0, 1, 1) if_glay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) wid.setLayout(if_glay) if tab_type == 0: self.mps_glay = if_glay self.changeWid(self.mps_glay) return wid
[docs] def displayTabs(self): ''' Display all the tabs ''' tab = QTabWidget() tab.setObjectName("LITab") tab.addTab(self.displayControlMPS(0), "MPS Controls") tab.addTab(self.displayControlMPS(1), "Temperature") tab.currentChanged.connect(self.adjustSize) return tab
[docs] def changeWid(self, layout): layout = self.clearLayout(layout) if self.all_clicked: wid = QWidget() wid.setLayout(self.displayMpsGroups(1)) layout.addWidget(wid) self.all_clicked = False else: wid = QWidget() wid.setLayout(self.displayMpsGroups(0)) layout.addWidget(wid) self.all_clicked = True
[docs] def displayHeader(self): ''' Display the window header ''' wid = QWidget() hd_hlay = QHBoxLayout() lbl_title = QLabel("<h2>Linac Machine Protection System</h2>") lbl_title.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) hd_hlay.addWidget(lbl_title, 10) btn_all = QPushButton("Hide/Show All") btn_all.clicked.connect( lambda: self.changeWid(self.mps_glay)) hd_hlay.addWidget(btn_all, 1) wid.setLayout(hd_hlay) return wid
def _setupUi(self): ''' Display the tabs of the graphic interface ''' if_glay = QGridLayout() if_glay.addWidget(self.displayTabs(), 1, 0, 1, 1) if_glay.addWidget(self.displayHeader(), 0, 0, 1, 1) if_glay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) self.setLayout(if_glay)