Source code for siriushla.as_ps_control.detail_widget.InterlockWindow

"""Magnet Interlock widget."""

from qtpy.QtCore import Qt
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QGridLayout, \
    QLabel, QTabWidget
from siriuspy.envars import VACA_PREFIX as _VACA_PREFIX
from siriuspy.namesys import SiriusPVName as _PVName
from import PSSearch
from siriuspy.pwrsupply.csdev import ETypes as _et
from siriuspy.pwrsupply.csdev import get_ps_propty_database
from siriushla.widgets import SiriusMainWindow, SiriusLedAlert, PyDMLed, \

[docs] class InterlockWidget(QWidget): """InterlockWidget class.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, init_channel='', bit=-1, label=''): """.""" super().__init__(parent) self.led = SiriusLedAlert(self, init_channel, bit) self.label = QLabel(label, self) lay = QHBoxLayout() lay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) lay.addWidget(self.led) lay.addWidget(self.label) self.setLayout(lay)
[docs] class InterlockListWidget(QWidget): """Widget with interlock information.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, devname='', interlock='', labels=None): """.""" super().__init__(parent) self._devname = _PVName(devname) self._interlock = interlock self._labels = labels self._setup_ui() def _setup_ui(self): ch = self._devname.substitute( prefix=_VACA_PREFIX, propty=self._interlock+'-Mon') lay = QGridLayout() hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(QLabel('Value: ', self)) hbox.addWidget(SiriusLabel(self, ch)) hbox.addStretch() lay.addLayout(hbox, 0, 0, 1, len(self._labels)/8) for bit, label in enumerate(self._labels): # Add led and label to layout line = (bit % 8) + 1 column = int(bit / 8) lay.addWidget(InterlockWidget(self, ch, bit, label), line, column) self.setLayout(lay)
[docs] class InterlockWindow(SiriusMainWindow): """InterlockWindow class.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, devname='', database=None, interlock=None, auxdev=None, auxdev2mod=None): """Init.""" super().__init__(parent) self._devname = _PVName(devname) self._db = database self._auxdev = auxdev self._auxdev2mod = auxdev2mod self._interlock = interlock if isinstance(interlock, str): self._interlock = [interlock, ] secs = {'AS', 'TB', 'BO', 'TS', 'SI', 'IT'} if self._devname.sub.endswith(('SA', 'SB', 'SP', 'ID')): self.setObjectName('IDApp') elif self._devname.sec in secs: self.setObjectName(self._devname.sec+'App') elif self._devname.idx[:2] in secs: self.setObjectName(self._devname.idx[:2]+'App') else: self.setObjectName('ASApp') self._intlktype = '' auxlabel = 'Alarms' if 'Alarm' in self._interlock[0] else 'Interlocks' if 'IntlkSoft' in self._interlock[0]: self._intlktype = 'Soft' elif 'IntlkHard' in self._interlock[0]: self._intlktype = 'Hard' elif 'IntlkIIB' in self._interlock[0]: self._intlktype = 'IIB' elif in ['FCH', 'FCV']: self._intlktype = 'Amp' self._intlkname = self._intlktype + ' ' + auxlabel self.setWindowTitle(self._devname + ' - ' + self._intlkname) self._setup_ui() def _setup_ui(self): self.cwid = QWidget(parent=self) self.setCentralWidget(self.cwid) lay = QVBoxLayout(self.cwid) lay.addWidget(QLabel("<h1>" + self._devname + "</h1>")) lay.addWidget(QLabel("<h3>" + self._intlkname + "</h3>")) if len(self._interlock) == 1: labels = self._db[self._interlock[0]+'Labels-Cte']['value'] wid = InterlockListWidget( parent=self, devname=self._devname, interlock=self._interlock[0], labels=labels) lay.addWidget(wid) else: self._tab_widget = QTabWidget(self) for aux in self._auxdev: devaux = self._devname + aux for intlk in self._interlock: name = intlk.replace('Alarms', '').replace('Intlk', '') if 'Mod' in name: mod = name.split('Mod')[1] tab_lbl = 'IIB Mod'.replace(self._intlktype, '') tab_lbl += self._auxdev2mod[devaux][mod] \ if devaux in self._auxdev2mod else mod else: tab_lbl = 'IIB' if 'IIB' in intlk else 'Main' if tab_lbl == 'Main' and aux: continue labels = self._db[intlk+'Labels-Cte']['value'] wid = InterlockListWidget( parent=self, devname=devaux, interlock=intlk, labels=labels) self._tab_widget.addTab(wid, tab_lbl) lay.addWidget(self._tab_widget)
[docs] class LIInterlockWindow(SiriusMainWindow): """LIInterlockWindow class.""" BIT_MAPS = { 'IntlkWarn-Mon': {idx: name for idx, name in enumerate(_et.LINAC_INTLCK_WARN)}, 'IntlkSignalIn-Mon': {idx: name for idx, name in enumerate(_et.LINAC_INTLCK_SGIN)}, 'IntlkSignalOut-Mon': {idx: name for idx, name in enumerate(_et.LINAC_INTLCK_SGOUT)}, } COLOR_MAPS = { 'IntlkWarn-Mon': { 'on': PyDMLed.Yellow, 'off': PyDMLed.LightGreen, }, 'IntlkSignalIn-Mon': { 'on': PyDMLed.Red, 'off': PyDMLed.LightGreen, }, 'IntlkRdSignalInMask-Mon': { 'on': PyDMLed.LightGreen, 'off': PyDMLed.DarkGreen, }, 'IntlkSignalOut-Mon': { 'on': PyDMLed.Yellow, 'off': PyDMLed.LightGreen, }, 'IntlkRdSignalOutMask-Mon': { 'on': PyDMLed.LightGreen, 'off': PyDMLed.DarkGreen, }, } def __init__(self, parent=None, devname=''): """.""" super().__init__(parent) self._devname = _PVName(devname) self.setObjectName('LIApp') self.setWindowTitle(self._devname + ' Interlock Window') self._setup_ui() def _setup_ui(self): self.cwid = QWidget(parent=self) self.setCentralWidget(self.cwid) lay = QGridLayout(self.cwid) lay.setHorizontalSpacing(20) self.label_warn = QLabel('Warn Status') self.grid_warn = QGridLayout() for bit, text in self.BIT_MAPS['IntlkWarn-Mon'].items(): led = PyDMLed(self, self._devname+':IntlkWarn-Mon', bit=bit) led.setOnColor(self.COLOR_MAPS['IntlkWarn-Mon']['on']) led.setOffColor(self.COLOR_MAPS['IntlkWarn-Mon']['off']) lbl = QLabel(text, self) self.grid_warn.addWidget(led, bit, 0) self.grid_warn.addWidget(lbl, bit, 1) self.label_digin = QLabel('Digital Input') self.label_digout = QLabel('Digital Output') for typ in ['In', 'Out']: gridname = 'grid_dig'+typ.lower() setattr(self, gridname, QGridLayout()) grd = getattr(self, gridname) grd.setHorizontalSpacing(9) sgch = 'IntlkSignal'+typ+'-Mon' mskch = 'IntlkRdSignal'+typ+'Mask-Mon' for bit, text in self.BIT_MAPS[sgch].items(): led = PyDMLed(self, self._devname+':'+sgch, bit=bit) led.setOnColor(self.COLOR_MAPS[sgch]['on']) led.setOffColor(self.COLOR_MAPS[sgch]['off']) lbl = QLabel(text, self) led_msk = PyDMLed(self, self._devname+':'+mskch, bit=bit) led_msk.setOnColor(self.COLOR_MAPS[mskch]['on']) led_msk.setOffColor(self.COLOR_MAPS[mskch]['off']) grd.addWidget(led, bit, 0) grd.addWidget(lbl, bit, 1) grd.addWidget(led_msk, bit, 2) lay.addWidget(QLabel("<h1>" + self._devname + "</h1>"), 0, 0, 1, 3) lay.addWidget(QLabel("<h3>Interlocks</h3>"), 1, 0, 1, 3) lay.addWidget(self.label_warn, 2, 0) lay.addLayout(self.grid_warn, 3, 0, Qt.AlignTop) lay.addWidget(self.label_digin, 2, 1) lay.addWidget(QLabel('Mask', self, alignment=Qt.AlignRight), 2, 2) lay.addLayout(self.grid_digin, 3, 1, 1, 2, Qt.AlignTop) lay.addWidget(self.label_digout, 2, 3) lay.addWidget(QLabel('Mask', self, alignment=Qt.AlignRight), 2, 4) lay.addLayout(self.grid_digout, 3, 3, 1, 2, Qt.AlignTop)