Source code for siriushla.as_ps_control.PSDetailWindow

"""Define a window with detailed controls for a given magnet."""

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QMenu, QAction
import qtawesome as qta
from siriuspy.namesys import SiriusPVName as _PVName
from import PSSearch
from siriushla.util import connect_window, connect_newprocess, \
from siriushla.widgets import SiriusMainWindow
from .detail_widget.DetailWidgetFactory import DetailWidgetFactory

[docs] class PSDetailWindow(SiriusMainWindow): """Window to control a detailed widget.""" def __init__(self, psname, parent=None, psmodel=None, pstype=None): """Init UI.""" super(PSDetailWindow, self).__init__(parent) if isinstance(psname, str): self._psname = [_PVName(psname), ] else: self._psname = [_PVName(psn) for psn in psname] self._psmodel = psmodel self._pstype = pstype name = self._psname[0] self._is_dclink = 'dclink' in name.lower() secs = {'AS', 'LI', 'TB', 'BO', 'TS', 'SI', 'IT'} if name.sub.endswith(('SA', 'SB', 'SP', 'ID')): sec = 'ID' elif name.sec in secs: sec = name.sec elif name.idx[:2] in secs: sec = name.idx[:2] else: sec = 'AS' self.setObjectName(sec+'App') icon = qta.icon( '', color=get_appropriate_color(sec)) self.setWindowIcon(icon) self._setup_ui() def _setup_ui(self): if self._is_dclink: self.setWindowTitle('DCLinks Window') else: self.setWindowTitle(self._psname[0]) # Set window layout self.widget = DetailWidgetFactory.factory( self._psname, parent=self, psmodel=self._psmodel, pstype=self._pstype) self._connect_buttons(self.widget) self.setCentralWidget(self.widget) def _connect_buttons(self, widget): w = widget.findChild(QPushButton, 'dclink_button') if w: psname = self._psname[0] try: dclinks = PSSearch.conv_psname_2_dclink(psname) except KeyError: dclinks = [] if dclinks: dclink_type = PSSearch.conv_psname_2_psmodel(dclinks[0]) if dclink_type != 'REGATRON_DCLink': connect_window(w, PSDetailWindow, self, psname=dclinks) else: if len(dclinks) > 1: menu = QMenu(w) for dcl in dclinks: act = QAction(dcl, menu) connect_newprocess( act, ['sirius-hla-as-ps-regatron-individual', '-dev', dcl], parent=self, is_pydm=True) menu.addAction(act) w.setMenu(menu) else: connect_newprocess( w, ['sirius-hla-as-ps-regatron-individual', '-dev', dclinks[0]], parent=self, is_pydm=True) else: w.setHidden(True)