Source code for siriushla.as_ps_control.PSControlWindow

"""Defines a class to control a set of a device from a given class."""
import qtawesome as qta

from siriuspy.namesys import SiriusPVName as _PVName
from import PSSearch
from siriushla.util import connect_window, get_appropriate_color, \
from siriushla.widgets import SiriusMainWindow
from .control_widget.ControlWidgetFactory import ControlWidgetFactory
from .PSDetailWindow import PSDetailWindow
from .PSTrimWindow import PSTrimWindow

[docs] class PSControlWindow(SiriusMainWindow): """Base window to show devices of a section in tabs.""" def __init__(self, section, device, subsection=None, parent=None): """Class constructor.""" super(PSControlWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setObjectName(section+'App') self._section = section self._device = device self._subsection = subsection icon = qta.icon( '', color=get_appropriate_color(section)) self.setWindowIcon(icon) self._setup_ui() sec2label = { 'LI': 'Linac ', 'TB': 'Linac to Booster ', 'BO': 'Booster ', 'TS': 'Booster to Storage Ring ', 'SI': 'Storage Ring ', 'IT': 'Injector Test '} dev2label = { "dipole": "Dipoles", "spectrometer": "Spectrometer", "quadrupole": "Quadrupoles", "sextupole": "Sextupoles", "solenoid": "Solenoids", "corrector-slow": "Slow Correctors", "corrector-fast": "Fast Correctors", "corrector-septff": "Septa FF Correctors", "skew-quadrupole": "Quadrupoles Skew", "trim-quadrupole": "Trims", "lens": "Lens", } self.setWindowTitle( sec2label[section] + (dev2label[device] if device else '') + ' Power Supplies ' + ('- Subsection '+subsection if subsection else '')) def _setup_ui(self): self.widget = ControlWidgetFactory.factory( parent=self, section=self._section, subsection=self._subsection, device=self._device) self._connect_buttons(self.widget) self.setCentralWidget(self.widget) def _connect_buttons(self, widget): for w in widget.get_summary_widgets(): detail_bt = w.get_detail_button() psname = detail_bt.text() if not psname: psname = detail_bt.toolTip() psname = _PVName(psname) if PSSearch.conv_psname_2_psmodel(psname) == 'REGATRON_DCLink': connect_newprocess( w, ['sirius-hla-as-ps-regatron-individual', '-dev', psname], parent=self, is_pydm=True) else: connect_window(detail_bt, PSDetailWindow, self, psname=psname) trim_bt = w.get_trim_button() if trim_bt is not None: connect_window(trim_bt, PSTrimWindow, self, device=psname)