Source code for siriushla.as_di_bpms.base

"""Base module."""

from functools import partial as _part
import numpy as np

from qtpy.QtCore import Qt
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QCheckBox, \
    QFormLayout, QGroupBox, QLabel, QSizePolicy as QSzPlcy
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor

from siriuspy.namesys import SiriusPVName as _PVName

from siriushla.widgets import SiriusConnectionSignal, SiriusLabel, \
    SiriusSpinbox, SiriusTimePlot, SiriusWaveformPlot, SiriusLedState, \
    SiriusLedAlert, PyDMStateButton, SiriusEnumComboBox, SiriusPushButton, \
    SiriusLineEdit, pydmwidget_factory

[docs] class BaseWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None, prefix='', bpm='', data_prefix=''): super().__init__(parent) self.prefix = prefix self.bpm = _PVName(bpm) self.is_pbpm = == 'PBPM' self.setObjectName(self.bpm.sec+'App') self.data_prefix = data_prefix self._chans = []
[docs] def channels(self): return self._chans
[docs] def get_pvname(self, propty, is_data=True): addr = self.bpm.substitute( prefix=self.prefix, propty=(self.data_prefix if is_data else '')+propty) return addr
def _create_formlayout_groupbox(self, title, props): if title: grpbx = CustomGroupBox(title, self) else: grpbx = QWidget(self) fbl = QFormLayout(grpbx) grpbx.layoutf = fbl fbl.setLabelAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter) for prop in props: if len(prop) == 2: pvs, txt = prop isdata, prec, widgets = True, None, None elif len(prop) == 3: pvs, txt, aux = prop if isinstance(aux, bool): isdata, prec, widgets = aux, None, None elif isinstance(aux, int): isdata, prec, widgets = True, aux, None elif isinstance(aux, dict): isdata = aux.get('isdata', True) prec = aux.get('prec', None) widgets = aux.get('widgets', None) else: isdata, prec, widgets = True, None, aux if isinstance(pvs, str): pv1 = pvs pv2 = pv1.replace('-SP', '-RB').replace('-Sel', '-Sts') pvs = [pv1, ] if pv2 != pv1: pvs.append(pv2) else: pv1 = pvs[0] if widgets is None: if pv2 != pv1: if pv1.endswith('-SP'): widgets = ['spin', 'label'] else: widgets = ['combo', 'label'] else: widgets = ['label', ] lab = QLabel(txt) lab.setObjectName(pv1.split('-')[0]) lab.setStyleSheet("min-width:10em;") hbl = QHBoxLayout() for i, wid in enumerate(widgets): hbl.addWidget(self._get_widget(wid, pvs[i], isdata, prec)) fbl.addRow(lab, hbl) return grpbx def _get_widget(self, widtype, pvname, isdata, prec): pvname = self.get_pvname(pvname, is_data=isdata) if widtype == 'combo': wid = SiriusEnumComboBox(self, pvname) wid.setStyleSheet("QWidget{min-width:5em;}") elif widtype == 'spin': wid = SiriusSpinbox(self, pvname) wid.setStyleSheet("QWidget{min-width:5em;}") if prec is not None: wid.precisionFromPV = False wid.precision = prec elif widtype == 'lineedit': wid = SiriusLineEdit(self, pvname) wid.setStyleSheet("QWidget{min-width:5em;}") wid.setSizePolicy(QSzPlcy.Maximum, QSzPlcy.Preferred) if prec is not None: wid.precisionFromPV = False wid.precision = prec elif widtype == 'label': wid = SiriusLabel(self, pvname) wid.showUnits = True if prec is not None: wid.precisionFromPV = False wid.precision = prec wid.setStyleSheet("QLabel{min-width:6em;}") elif widtype == 'ledstate': wid = SiriusLedState(self, pvname) elif widtype == 'ledalert': wid = SiriusLedAlert(self, pvname) elif widtype == 'statebutton': wid = PyDMStateButton(self, pvname) elif isinstance(widtype, (list, tuple)): if widtype[0] == 'pushbutton': kws = dict( label=widtype[1], icon=widtype[2], pressValue=widtype[3] if len(widtype) > 3 else 1, init_channel=pvname) if len(widtype) > 4: kws['releaseValue'] = widtype[4] wid = SiriusPushButton(self, **kws) wid.setDefault(False) wid.setAutoDefault(False) elif widtype[0] == 'ledstate': wid = SiriusLedState(self, pvname) wid.offColor = widtype[1] wid.onColor = widtype[2] elif widtype[0] == 'ledalert': wid = SiriusLedAlert(self, pvname) wid.offColor = widtype[1] wid.onColor = widtype[2] else: raise NotImplementedError(f'widget not defined for type {widtype}') wid.setObjectName(str(pvname).replace('-', '')) return wid
[docs] def basic_rule(self, channel, flag, val=0): chan = self.get_pvname(channel) opr = '==' if flag else '!=' val = str(val) rules = ( '[{"name": "VisRule", "property": "Visible", ' + '"expression": "ch[0] '+opr+' '+val+'", "channels": ' + '[{"channel": "'+chan+'", "trigger": true}]}]') return rules
CustomGroupBox = pydmwidget_factory(QGroupBox, pydm_class='primi')
[docs] def get_custom_widget_class(CLASS): class MyWidget(CLASS): def __init__(self, parent=None, **kws): """Initialize object.""" super().__init__(parent=parent, **kws) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) def wheelEvent(self, event): """Reimplement wheel event to ignore event when out of focus.""" if not self.hasFocus(): event.ignore() else: super().wheelEvent(event) return MyWidget
[docs] class BaseGraph(BaseWidget): CLASS = get_custom_widget_class(SiriusWaveformPlot) DATA_CLASS = np.ndarray def __init__(self, parent=None, prefix='', bpm='', data_prefix=''): super().__init__( parent, prefix=prefix, bpm=bpm, data_prefix=data_prefix) self.graph = self.CLASS(self) self.setupgraph(self.graph) self.setupui()
[docs] def setupgraph(self, graph): graph.mouseEnabledX = True graph.setShowXGrid(True) graph.setShowYGrid(True) graph.setBackgroundColor(QColor(255, 255, 255)) graph.setAutoRangeX(True) graph.setAutoRangeY(True) graph.setMinXRange(0.0) graph.setMaxXRange(1.0) graph.setAxisColor(QColor(0, 0, 0)) graph.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setStyle(tickTextOffset=15) graph.plotItem.getAxis('left').setStyle( tickTextOffset=5, autoExpandTextSpace=False, tickTextWidth=30)
[docs] def setupui(self): hbl = QHBoxLayout(self) hbl.addWidget(self.graph) self.vbl = QVBoxLayout() hbl.addItem(self.vbl) self.vbl.addStretch()
[docs] def setLabel(self, *args, **kwargs): self.graph.setLabel(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def curveAtIndex(self, *args): return self.graph.curveAtIndex(*args)
def _add_channel(self, name): cdta = self.graph.curveAtIndex(-1) cbx = QCheckBox(name, self) plt = cbx.palette() plt.setColor(plt.WindowText, cdta.color) cbx.setPalette(plt) cbx.setChecked(True) self.vbl.addWidget(cbx) self.vbl.addStretch() cbx.toggled.connect(cdta.setVisible) def _add_scale(self, channel, scale): cdta = self.graph.curveAtIndex(-1) chan = SiriusConnectionSignal(channel) chan.new_value_signal[self.DATA_CLASS].connect( _part(self._apply_scale, cdta, scale)) self._chans.append(chan) def _apply_scale(self, cdta, scale, value): if self.DATA_CLASS == np.ndarray: cdta.receiveYWaveform(value*scale) else: cdta.receiveNewValue(value*scale)
[docs] class GraphWave(BaseGraph):
[docs] def addChannel(self, **opts): scale = opts.pop('add_scale', None) self.graph.addChannel(**opts) name = opts.get('name', '') self._add_channel(name) if scale: channel = opts.get('y_channel', '') self._add_scale(channel, scale)
[docs] class GraphTime(BaseGraph): CLASS = get_custom_widget_class(SiriusTimePlot) DATA_CLASS = float def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.graph.timeSpan = 100
[docs] def addYChannel(self, **opts): scale = opts.pop('add_scale', None) ychan = opts['y_channel'] if scale: opts['y_channel'] = 'A' self.graph.addYChannel(**opts) if scale: self._add_scale(ychan, scale) name = opts.get('name', '') self._add_channel(name)