Source code for siriushla.as_ap_sofb.ioc_control.drive_window

"""Define Controllers for the orbits displayed in the graphic."""

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QLabel, QGroupBox, QFormLayout, QVBoxLayout, \
    QHBoxLayout, QGridLayout

from ...widgets import SiriusLabel
from . import BaseWidget

[docs] class DriveControl(BaseWidget): """.""" def __init__(self, parent, device, prefix='', acc='SI'): """.""" super().__init__(parent, device, prefix=prefix, acc=acc) self.setupui()
[docs] def setupui(self): """.""" self.setLayout(QGridLayout()) ctrls = self._get_controls_widget(self) self.layout().addWidget(ctrls, 0, 0)
def _get_controls_widget(self, parent): gpbx = QGroupBox('Drive Controls', parent) gpbx_lay = QVBoxLayout(gpbx) fbl = QFormLayout() fbl.setHorizontalSpacing(9) gpbx_lay.addLayout(fbl) lbl = QLabel('State', gpbx) wid = self.create_pair_butled(gpbx, 'DriveState') fbl.addRow(lbl, wid) lbl = QLabel('Type', gpbx) wid = self.create_pair_sel(gpbx, 'DriveType') fbl.addRow(lbl, wid) lbl = QLabel('Freq. Divisor', gpbx) wid = self.create_pair(gpbx, 'DriveFreqDivisor') fbl.addRow(lbl, wid) lbl = QLabel('Number of Cycles', gpbx) wid = self.create_pair(gpbx, 'DriveNrCycles') fbl.addRow(lbl, wid) lbl = QLabel('Amplitude [urad]', gpbx) wid = self.create_pair(gpbx, 'DriveAmplitude') fbl.addRow(lbl, wid) lbl = QLabel('Phase [°]', gpbx) wid = self.create_pair(gpbx, 'DrivePhase') fbl.addRow(lbl, wid) lbl = QLabel('Corrector Index', gpbx) wid = self.create_pair(gpbx, 'DriveCorrIndex') fbl.addRow(lbl, wid) lbl = QLabel('BPM Index', gpbx) wid = self.create_pair(gpbx, 'DriveBPMIndex') fbl.addRow(lbl, wid) hlay = QHBoxLayout() hlay.addWidget(QLabel('Frequency [Hz]: ')) hlay.addWidget(SiriusLabel( self, self.devpref.substitute(propty='DriveFrequency-Mon'))) hlay.addStretch() hlay.addWidget(QLabel('Duration [s]: ')) hlay.addWidget(SiriusLabel( self, self.devpref.substitute(propty='DriveDuration-Mon'))) gpbx_lay.addLayout(hlay) return gpbx