Source code for siriushla.as_ap_radmon.main

"""Rad Monitor."""

import re as _re
import time as _time
from functools import partial as _part
import numpy as np

from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QEvent, QTimer
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QPalette
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget, QLabel, QCheckBox, QGridLayout, \
    QApplication, QVBoxLayout, QSizePolicy as QSzPol, QMenu, QHBoxLayout

import qtawesome as qta

from pydm.connection_inspector import ConnectionInspector

from siriuspy.envars import VACA_PREFIX
from siriuspy.clientarch.time import Time
from siriuspy.epics import PV
from ..widgets import SiriusAlarmFrame, SiriusTimePlot, SiriusLabel
from ..util import get_appropriate_color

[docs] class RadTotDoseMonitor(QWidget): """RAD Total Dose Rate Monitor.""" REF_TOT_DOSE = 0.5 # µSv/h SENSOR2LOC = { 'Thermo12': 'Thermo 12 (SI-01, hall eixo 16)', 'ELSE': 'ELSE (SI-01, hall eixo 17)', 'Thermo8': 'Thermo 8 (SI-01, hall eixo 18)', 'Thermo10': 'Thermo 10 (SI-01, chicane 1)', 'Berthold': 'Berthold (corredor de serviço, eixo 19)', 'Thermo9': 'Thermo 9 (SI-02, hall eixo 20)', 'Thermo13': 'Thermo 13 (SI-06, hall eixo 31)', 'Thermo7': 'Thermo 7 (SI-08-IA-08, eixo 37)', 'Thermo16': 'Thermo 16 (SI-08, hall eixo 38)', 'Thermo2': 'Thermo 2 (SI-09-IA-09, eixo 40)', 'Thermo1': 'Thermo 1 (SI-10, hall eixo 43)', 'Thermo15': 'Thermo 15 (SI-12, hall eixo 50)', 'Thermo14': 'Thermo 14 (SI-14, hall eixo 55)', 'Thermo4': 'Thermo 4 (SI-14-IA-14, eixo 57)', 'Thermo6': 'Thermo 6 (SI-15, hall eixo 59)', 'Thermo3': 'Thermo 3 (SI-17, hall eixo 04)', 'Thermo5': 'Thermo 5 (SI-19, hall eixo 10)', 'Thermo11': 'Thermo 11 (SI-20, hall eixo 14)', } def __init__(self, parent=None, prefix=VACA_PREFIX): super().__init__(parent) self._prefix = prefix # define aux objects self._channels = dict() self._curves = dict() self._cb_show = dict() self._pvs_labels = dict() self._desc_labels = dict() # configure window self.setObjectName('ASApp') self.setWindowTitle('RAD: Total Dose Monitor') color = get_appropriate_color('AS') self.setWindowIcon(qta.icon('fa5s.radiation', color=color)) # define data self._mon2loco, self._locn2mon, self._mon2pos = dict(), dict(), dict() self._mon2locv = {m: None for m in self.SENSOR2LOC} for mon in self.SENSOR2LOC: pvname = self._prefix + ('-' if self._prefix else '') pvname += 'RAD:' + mon + ':Location-Cte.VAL$' self._mon2loco[mon] = PV(pvname, callback=self._update_location) self._locn2mon[pvname] = mon self._mon2locn = {v: k for k, v in self._locn2mon.items()} _t0 = _time.time() while _time.time() - _t0 < 10: # wait location to be read _time.sleep(0.1) if all([v is not None for v in self._mon2locv.values()]): break else: # if not connected, use hardcoded locations for mon in self.SENSOR2LOC: if self._mon2locv[mon] is None: print(mon) self._update_location( self._mon2locn[mon], self.SENSOR2LOC[mon]) self._mon_order = [ m[0] for m in sorted(self._mon2pos.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])] cmap = { 'x': np.linspace(0, 1, 12), 'r': [1.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 'g': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0, 0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0], 'b': [1.0, 0.6, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], } xeval = np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.SENSOR2LOC)) reval = np.interp(xeval, cmap['x'], cmap['r'])*255 geval = np.interp(xeval, cmap['x'], cmap['g'])*255 beval = np.interp(xeval, cmap['x'], cmap['b'])*255 self._colors = [(r, g, b) for r, g, b in zip(reval, geval, beval)] # define app font size = QApplication.instance() font = font.setPointSize(44) # setup window self._setupUi() # define focus policy self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) # set initial size if >= 1920: self.resize(1920, 1080) def _setupUi(self): # timeplot self.title_plot = QLabel( 'Total Dose Rate (γ + n) [µSv/h]', self, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) self.title_plot.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel{font-size: 52pt; font-weight: bold;}') timespan = 30*60 # [s] self.timeplot = SiriusTimePlot( parent=self, background='w', show_tooltip=True) self.timeplot.timeSpan = timespan self.timeplot.bufferSize = 4*60*60*10 self.timeplot.autoRangeY = True self.timeplot.minYRange = 0.0 self.timeplot.showXGrid = True self.timeplot.showYGrid = True self.timeplot.maxRedrawRate = 2 color = QColor(30, 30, 30) self.timeplot.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setPen(color) self.timeplot.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setGrid(255) self.timeplot.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setTextPen(color) self.timeplot.plotItem.getAxis('left').setPen(color) self.timeplot.plotItem.getAxis('left').setGrid(255) self.timeplot.plotItem.getAxis('left').setTextPen(color) self.timeplot.setLabel('left', text='Dose Rate [µSv/h]') self.timeplot.setObjectName('timeplot') self.timeplot.setStyleSheet( '#timeplot{min-width:12em; min-height: 10em;}') self.timeplot.bufferReset.connect(self._fill_refline) self.timeplot.timeSpanChanged.connect(self._fill_refline) t_end = t_init = t_end - timespan widplot = QWidget() widplot.setSizePolicy(QSzPol.Expanding, QSzPol.Expanding) layplot = QGridLayout(widplot) layplot.setHorizontalSpacing(10) layplot.setVerticalSpacing(10) layplot.addWidget(self.title_plot, 0, 0) layplot.addWidget(self.timeplot, 1, 0) # panel self.title_grid = QLabel( 'Integrated Dose in 4h [µSv]', self, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) self.title_grid.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel{font-size: 52pt; font-weight: bold;}') self.lb_warn = QLabel('Restart\nwindow') self.lb_warn.setStyleSheet('color: red; border: 0.1em solid red;') self.lb_warn.setVisible(False) laytitle = QHBoxLayout() laytitle.addWidget(self.title_grid, 6) laytitle.addWidget(self.lb_warn, 1) widgrid = QWidget() widgrid.setSizePolicy(QSzPol.Maximum, QSzPol.Expanding) self.pannel = widgrid laygrid = QGridLayout(widgrid) laygrid.setHorizontalSpacing(10) laygrid.setVerticalSpacing(10) colnum = 3 laygrid.addLayout(laytitle, 0, 0, 1, colnum) for i, mon in enumerate(self._mon_order): local = self._mon2locv[mon] color = self._colors[i] pvname = self._prefix + ('-' if self._prefix else '') pvname += 'RAD:' + mon + ':TotalDoseRate' row, col = i // colnum + 1, i % colnum coloro = QColor(color) if isinstance(color, str) \ else QColor(*color) self.timeplot.addYChannel( pvname, name=pvname, color=coloro, lineWidth=6) curve = self.timeplot.curveAtIndex(-1) self._curves[mon] = curve self.timeplot.fill_curve_with_archdata( self._curves[mon], pvname, t_init=t_init.get_iso8601(), t_end=t_end.get_iso8601()) cbx = QCheckBox(self) cbx.setChecked(True) cbx.stateChanged.connect(curve.setVisible) cbx.setSizePolicy(QSzPol.Maximum, QSzPol.Maximum) pal = cbx.palette() pal.setColor(QPalette.Base, coloro) pal.setColor(QPalette.Text, Qt.white) cbx.setPalette(pal) self._cb_show[mon] = cbx lbl = SiriusLabel(self, pvname + ':Dose', keep_unit=True) lbl.alarmSensitiveBorder = False lbl.setStyleSheet('QLabel{font-size: 52pt;}') lbl.showUnits = True self._pvs_labels[mon] = lbl frame = SiriusAlarmFrame(self, pvname + ':Dose') frame.add_widget(cbx) frame.add_widget(lbl) desc = QLabel(local, self, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) desc.setSizePolicy(QSzPol.Preferred, QSzPol.Maximum) desc.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel{background-color:black; color:white;font-size:26pt;}') self._desc_labels[mon] = desc wid = QWidget() wid.setObjectName('wid') wid.setStyleSheet( '#wid{border: 1px solid black; ' 'min-width: 7.5em; max-width: 7.5em;}') widlay = QVBoxLayout(wid) widlay.setSpacing(0) widlay.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1) widlay.addWidget(frame) widlay.addWidget(desc) laygrid.addWidget(wid, row, col) laygrid.setColumnStretch(0, 1) laygrid.setColumnStretch(1, 1) laygrid.setColumnStretch(2, 1) self.timeplot.addYChannel( 'Reference', color='black', lineWidth=6, lineStyle=Qt.DashLine) self.refline = self.timeplot.curveAtIndex(-1) self._fill_refline() lay = QGridLayout(self) lay.setSpacing(20) lay.addWidget(widplot, 0, 0) lay.addWidget(widgrid, 0, 1) self.setStyleSheet(""" SiriusLabel{ qproperty-alignment: AlignCenter; font-weight: bold; } QCheckBox::indicator { width: 0.7em; height: 0.7em; }""") self._timer = QTimer() self._timer.timeout.connect(self._update_graph_ref) self._timer.setInterval(2000) self._timer.start() # ---------- events ----------
[docs] def changeEvent(self, event): """Implement change event to get font size changes.""" if event.type() == QEvent.FontChange and self._pvs_labels: fontsize = # title self.title_plot.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel{font-size: '+str(fontsize + 8) + 'pt; font-weight: bold;}') self.title_grid.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel{font-size: '+str(fontsize + 8) + 'pt; font-weight: bold;}') # labels for lbl in self._pvs_labels.values(): lbl.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel{font-size: '+str(fontsize + 8) + 'pt; min-width: 7em;}') for desc in self._desc_labels.values(): desc.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel{background-color:black; color:white;' 'font-size:'+str(fontsize - 18)+'pt;}') self.ensurePolished()
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Implement context menu to add auxiliary actions.""" pos = self.mapToGlobal(event.pos()) if not self.pannel.underMouse(): return menu = QMenu(self) show = menu.addAction('Show all curves') show.triggered.connect(_part(self._set_checkbox_state, True)) hide = menu.addAction('Hide all curves') hide.triggered.connect(_part(self._set_checkbox_state, False)) conn = menu.addAction('Show Connections...') conn.triggered.connect(self._show_connections) menu.popup(pos)
# ---------- private methods ---------- def _fill_refline(self): basecurve = self.timeplot.curveAtIndex(0) timebuffer = basecurve.data_buffer[0] firstvalid = (timebuffer != 0).argmax() if timebuffer[firstvalid] == 0: timebuffer = np.array([, ]) else: timebuffer = timebuffer[firstvalid:] valuebuffer = [RadTotDoseMonitor.REF_TOT_DOSE]*timebuffer.size self.timeplot.fill_curve_buffer( self.refline, timebuffer, valuebuffer) def _update_graph_ref(self): self.refline.receiveNewValue(RadTotDoseMonitor.REF_TOT_DOSE) self.refline.redrawCurve() def _show_connections(self, checked): """Show connections action.""" _ = checked conn = ConnectionInspector(self) def _set_checkbox_state(self, state): for cbx in self._cb_show.values(): cbx.setChecked(state) def _update_location(self, pvname, value, **kws): if not isinstance(value, str): value = bytes(value).decode('utf-8') value = value.replace('corredor', 'corr.') # abbreviations mon = self._locn2mon[pvname] if self._mon2locv[mon] is not None and self._mon2locv[mon] != value: self.lb_warn.setVisible(True) return self._mon2locv[mon] = value sec = 1 if 'corr.' in value.split(',')[0]\ else float(_re.findall(r'SI-(\d+)', value)[0]) axi = 18.5 if 'chicane 1' in value.split(',')[-1]\ else float(_re.findall(r'eixo (\d+)', value)[0]) self._mon2pos[mon] = 100*sec+axi