Source code for siriushla.as_ap_configdb.normconfigs.ConfigModel

"""Configuration window model definition."""
import re
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QAbstractTableModel, QModelIndex, QVariant
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QItemDelegate, QDoubleSpinBox
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor
from siriuspy.clientconfigdb import ConfigDBClient

[docs] class Configuration: """Represents a configuration.""" def __init__(self, name, config_type, values, new=True): """Init.""" self._name = name self._config_type = config_type self._values = values['pvs'] self._old_name = None self._renamed = False self._dirty_pvs = dict() self._is_new = new
[docs] @staticmethod def newConfiguration(name, config_type, values): """Create new configuration.""" return Configuration(name, config_type, values)
[docs] @staticmethod def loadConfiguration(config_type, name): """Load existing configuration.""" config = Configuration._load(config_type, name) # Might fail name = config["name"] config_type = config["config_type"] values = config["value"] return Configuration(name, config_type, values, False)
@staticmethod def _load(config_type, name): db = ConfigDBClient() data = db.get_config_info(name, config_type=config_type) data['value'] = db.get_config_value(name, config_type=config_type) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_config(config_type, name): """Delete configuration.""" db = ConfigDBClient() return db.delete_config(name, config_type=config_type)
@property def name(self): """Configuration name.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, new_name): """Set new name to configuration.""" if new_name == self._old_name: self._renamed = False self._name = self._old_name else: self._renamed = True self._old_name = self._name self._name = new_name @property def old_name(self): """Configuration name in database.""" return self._old_name @property def values(self): """PV values.""" return {'pvs': self._values} @property def dirty(self): """Return wether thre is unsaved data.""" if len(self._dirty_pvs) > 0 or self._renamed or self._is_new: return True return False
[docs] def setValue(self, pv_name, value): """Set value of a given pv.""" if value != self._values[pv_name]: # If the configuration is new there is no need to set dirty flags if not self._is_new: # Clean dirty flag if pv_name in self._dirty_pvs.keys() \ and value == self._dirty_pvs[pv_name]: del self._dirty_pvs[pv_name] # Set dirty flag elif pv_name not in self._dirty_pvs.keys(): self._dirty_pvs[pv_name] = self._values[pv_name] # Finally set value self._values[pv_name] = value
[docs] def save(self): """Save data.""" db = ConfigDBClient() if self._is_new or self._renamed or self._dirty_pvs: # Insert configuration db.insert_config( self._name, {'pvs': self._values}, config_type=self._config_type) # Clear flags self._is_new = False self._renamed = False self._dirty_pvs = dict()
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete configuration.""" db = ConfigDBClient() db.delete_config(self._name, config_type=self._config_type)
[docs] class ConfigDelegate(QItemDelegate): """Styling."""
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, index): """Override paint function. Responsible for painting dirt columns and cells. """ col = index.column() pvname = index.model()._vertical_header[index.row()]['name'] if pvname in index.model().configurations[col]._dirty_pvs.keys(): color = QColor(200, 0, 0) painter.fillRect(option.rect, color) QItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) elif index.model().configurations[col].dirty: color = QColor(230, 230, 230) painter.fillRect(option.rect, color) QItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) else: QItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
[docs] def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): """Override. Create and editor based on the cell type """ editor = QDoubleSpinBox(parent) editor.setDecimals(5) return editor
[docs] def setEditorData(self, editor, index): """Override. Set cell data as float. """ value = index.model().data(index, Qt.DisplayRole) editor.setValue(float(value.value()))
[docs] class ConfigModel(QAbstractTableModel): """Model for the configuration table.""" TUNE, CHROMATICITY = range(2) UNDO_MEMORY = 75 def __init__(self, config_type, parent=None): """Class constructor.""" super(ConfigModel, self).__init__(parent) self._config_type = config_type self._setVerticalHeader() self._types = set() self._configurations = list() self._undo = list() self._redo = list() @property def configurations(self): """Return list of open configurations.""" return self._configurations # QAbstractTableModel Overriden functions
[docs] def rowCount(self, index=QModelIndex()): """Return the number of PVs for this configuration type.""" return len(self._vertical_header)
[docs] def columnCount(self, index=QModelIndex()): """Return the number of configurations currently open.""" return len(self._configurations)
[docs] def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): """Set data of the table (override).""" if role == Qt.DisplayRole: pvname = self._vertical_header[index.row()]['name'] pvtype = self._vertical_header[index.row()]['type'] if pvtype == float: return QVariant("{:8.5f}".format( self._configurations[index.column()].values[pvname])) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): """Set headers of the table (override).""" if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: pass if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return QVariant() if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if not self._configurations[section].dirty: return QVariant(self._configurations[section].name) else: return QVariant(self._configurations[section].name + "*") elif orientation == Qt.Vertical: if role == Qt.DisplayRole: pvname = self._vertical_header[section]['name'] vheader = "{}".format(pvname) return QVariant(vheader) return QVariant(int(section + 1))
[docs] def flags(self, index): """Override to make cells editable.""" if not index.isValid(): return Qt.ItemIsEnabled return Qt.ItemFlags( QAbstractTableModel.flags(self, index) | Qt.ItemIsEditable)
[docs] def setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole): """Set cell data.""" row = index.row() col = index.column() if index.isValid() and 0 <= row < len(self._vertical_header): pvname = self._vertical_header[row]['name'] config_name = self._configurations[col].name old_value = self._configurations[col].values[pvname] # Clean undo if it is the case if len(self._undo) > self.UNDO_MEMORY: self._undo.pop(0) # Append new undo action self._undo.append( (config_name, lambda: self.setDataAlt(row, config_name, value, old_value))) # Update Value self._configurations[col].setValue(pvname, value) # Update view self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Horizontal, col, col) self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True return False
[docs] def insertColumn(self, column, index=QModelIndex()): """Update table widget telling it a new column was inserted.""" self.beginInsertColumns(index, column, column) self.endInsertColumns() return True
[docs] def removeColumns(self, column, count=1, index=QModelIndex()): """Update table widget telling it a column was removed.""" self.beginRemoveColumns(index, column, column + count - 1) self.endRemoveColumns() return True
# Private members def _setVerticalHeader(self): # Used to sort section elements dict def subSection(elem): if'-Fam', elem): return 0 else: return 1 def elem(elem): name = elem if'-B', name): return 0 elif'-QF', name): return 2 elif'-QD', name): return 4 elif'-Q[0-9]', name): return 6 elif'-SF', name): return 8 elif'-SD', name): return 10 elif'-CH', name): return 12 elif'-CV', name): return 14 elif'-FCH', name): return 16 elif'-FCV', name): return 18 else: return 20 self._vertical_header = list() client = ConfigDBClient() if self._config_type == 'bo_normalized': pvs = client.get_value_from_template('bo_normalized')['pvs'] elif self._config_type == 'si_normalized': pvs = client.get_value_from_template('si_normalized')['pvs'] else: raise Exception("Module {} not found".format(self._config_type)) # pvs = get_dict()["value"] # pvs = getattr(ConfigurationPvs, self._config_type)().pvs() for name, value, _ in pvs: self._vertical_header.append({'name': name, 'type': type(value)}) self._vertical_header.sort( key=lambda x: elem(x['name']) + subSection(x['name'])) def _addConfiguration(self, column, id=None, config_name=None, values=None): """Add new configuration to table.""" # Create new configuration if values is None: new_configuration = Configuration.loadConfiguration( self._config_type, config_name) else: new_configuration = Configuration.newConfiguration( config_name, self._config_type, values) # Add to model in case it was successfully created if column >= self.columnCount(): self._configurations.append(new_configuration) else: self._configurations.insert(column, new_configuration) # Call insertColumns to update table widget self.insertColumn(column) # Interface functions view - model
[docs] def getConfigurationColumn(self, config_name): """Return column number of the given configuration.""" for configuration in self._configurations: if config_name in (, configuration.old_name): return self._configurations.index(configuration) return -1
[docs] def getConfigurations(self, deleted=False): """Return name of saved configurations.""" db = ConfigDBClient() return db.find_configs( config_type=self._config_type, discarded=deleted)
[docs] def getTuneMatrix(self): """Get tune matrix from db.""" db = ConfigDBClient() return db.get_config_value("tune_matrix", "tune_matrix")
# Actions
[docs] def saveConfiguration(self, column): """Save configuration if it is dirty.""" if self._configurations[column].dirty: self._configurations[column].save() # Issue a change in the table and header idx1 = self.index(0, column) idx2 = self.index(self.rowCount() - 1, column) self.dataChanged.emit(idx1, idx2) self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Horizontal, column, column)
[docs] def renameConfiguration(self, column, new_name): """Change configuration name.""" self._configurations[column].name = new_name
[docs] def deriveConfiguration(self, config_name, base_column, func, parameters): """Create new configuration from existing one TUNE or CHROMATICITY.""" # Derives new configuration new_configuration = dict() for pv in self._vertical_header: pvname = pv['name'] # pvtype = pv['type'] value = self._configurations[base_column].values[pvname] if func == self.TUNE: # Applied to quadrupoles if"-QD", pvname): new_value = value + parameters[0] elif"QF", pvname): new_value = value + parameters[1] else: new_value = value elif func == self.CHROMATICITY: new_value = value else: new_value = value new_configuration[pvname] = new_value # Add configuration to table as a new column self._addConfiguration( base_column+1, config_name=config_name, values=new_configuration)
[docs] def closeConfiguration(self, column): """Close a configuration.""" self._configurations.remove(self._configurations[column]) self.removeColumns(column)
[docs] def interpolateConfiguration(self, config_name, column1, column2): """Linear interpolation of 2 configurations.""" for type_ in self._getTypes(): if type_ not in [int, float]: raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate non-numeric values") new_configuration = dict() for pv in self._vertical_header: pvname = pv['name'] value1 = self._configurations[column1].values[pvname] value2 = self._configurations[column2].values[pvname] new_configuration[pvname] = (value1 + value2)/2 # Choose where to place new column new_column = column1 if column1 > column2 else column2 self._addConfiguration( new_column + 1, config_name=config_name, values=new_configuration)
[docs] def loadConfiguration(self, name=None, values=None): """Load configuration from database.""" if values is None: # Load existing config self._addConfiguration(self.columnCount(), config_name=name) else: # New config self._addConfiguration( self.columnCount(), config_name=name, values=values)
[docs] def deleteConfiguration(self, config_info): """Delete configuration from database.""" col = self.getConfigurationColumn(config_info["name"]) Configuration.delete_config(config_info['config_type'], config_info['name']) if col >= 0: self.closeConfiguration(col)
# Implements undo/redo
[docs] def setDataAlt(self, row, config_name, value, old_value, redo=True): """Called by the undo/redo methods to change data on table.""" pvname = self._vertical_header[row]['name'] # pvtype = self._vertical_header[row]['type'] column = self.getConfigurationColumn(config_name) index = self.index(row, column) self._configurations[column].setValue(pvname, old_value) if redo: # Clean redo if bigger than memort if len(self._redo) > self.UNDO_MEMORY: self._redo.pop(0) # Append new redo action self._redo.append( (config_name, lambda: self.setDataAlt( row, config_name, old_value, value, False))) else: # Clean undo if bigger than memory if len(self._undo) > self.UNDO_MEMORY: self._undo.pop(0) # Append new undo action self._undo.append( (config_name, lambda: self.setDataAlt( row, config_name, old_value, value, True))) # Update view self.headerDataChanged.emit( Qt.Horizontal, index.column(), index.column()) self.dataChanged.emit(index, index)
[docs] def cleanUndo(self, column): """Clean undo/redo actions for given column.""" config_name = self._configurations[column].name for i, action in enumerate(self._undo): if action[0] == config_name: self._undo.pop(i) for i, action in enumerate(self._redo): if action[0] == config_name: self._redo.pop(i)
def _getTypes(self): if not self._types: for pv in self._vertical_header: self._types.add(pv['type']) return self._types